Should Blizz remove the lock out for Mythic 0?

I feel like part of the issue is a lot of people are trying to do keys while they are under geared. I’ve seen too many people pop like pimples during some runs. I also blame some party leaders that are to impatient to start the dungeon and allow a tanks/healers with 460 ilvl to join the party. Then they keep dying, leaving the dps running just accepting the embrace of sweet death. It’s been rough, but I am still having fun.


Just had yet another DH reroll die to the second boss of Neltharus. Dude was 481 in a 3.
Skill issue possibly, but also just a gear issue imo
Wish I could say I was having fun though.
DH players activate my ptsd so bad.

Had a fun attempt at an AA+2 last night. Pally got smashed by trash mobs. Pally stands in swirls on first boss and dies again. Pally informs us all that we suck and leaves.

Was a learning experience. 10/10 would recommend.

LoL, if you lost your tank and have no idea where it went, it’s a DH.


It’s certainly possible that they’re trying to do something that is way over their gear level… it’s more likely that they’re applying last season’s +2 difficulty to this season, which is not at all the case and they don’t have the skill nor gear to jump into a +12 difficulty at the start of S3, so they should not be jumping into +2 at the start of S4 either.

But the squish is only understood by those that read the Blizzard S4 Content Update post… anyone that just jumped in-game and went straight to +2 expecting S3 difficulty (with scaling) will be surprised and annoyed.

481 isn’t low I just did a 6 AV and I’m 480ish so its deff a skill issue.

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481 is plenty for a 3. that’s not a gear issue

M0 drops 493. Heroic dungeon Vault gear is 480.

There IS gear needed for this stuff. I don’t care how many of you keep claiming “LOL git gud,” not everyone can do this crap without the CORRECT gear.

Geebus it’s like logic is lost on this forum.

They should remove the lock out from older mythic dungeons.