Hey yall. I’ve returned to the game recently, but with few friends who are around any longer, was curious if there are any raiding rerolls on the horizon?
I have an extensive raiding background but I think I would find the prospect of leveling up with a group to get to know them more appealing.
Future raids would need to be late night pst or weekends
M-F after 10:30 PST (1:30 am EST)
S-S anywhere from 2pm to 2am (5pm-5am EST)
Hi Hamcakes! We are a newly formed horde guild Gods and Emperors on Hyjal looking to start up a raid team and build our guild. Raid times would be Friday and Saturday 8 to 11 eastern. During the rest of the week we love to chat in discord and help people level or gear up. If you are interested we would love to chat with you more. My contact info is Amberlina#1096 and BabyHawk #11988
Hope you’ll go Ham for my guild. We’re pretty legit. Come check us out and see if you’d want to be apart of us as much as we’d want to be apart of you.