Shorter range makes no sense

I agree. I really do! I’ve been doing hard content and enjoying the power I have this season.

But the statement stands: it could be better. Friendlier to players. Easier to get into. Less aggravating to master. Yet every time someone stands up and say, “umm, why can’t they just give evoker the same range as the other casters?” They are shouted down by a team of dedicated forum individuals saying, “WE LIKE IT JUST FINE, THANK YOU” without simply allowing to the fact that not everyone feels the same.

Worse, they throw up a list of purely imagined reasons why a range increase would somehow devastate the class as it is. I say imagined not to belittle their theories, but because imagined is the only appropriate word when nothing can be confirmed or denied without Blizz putting in their input. Which they never have.


Every class could always be better. That’s why classes are continually tweaked and adjusted. (Typically.)

Evoker literally gives the player a printout when it’s picked stating “this is an advanced class”. Despite that, it’s actually very friendly to players and learning… As long as the players in question accept that it’s not going to play like a typical class does.

Every class has different aggravation thresholds for different players.

Everybody doesn’t have to feel the same, though, and that’s the point. You can’t just give Evoker in its current state the same range as your typical caster/hunters. At that point there is no tradeoff for its toolkit as a whole.

People aren’t shouted down for saying “I wish this had more range, personally”, though. They’re shouted down for garbage like:

-“midrange experiment failed, 40yds plz ty”
-“nah this wouldn’t impact balance at all”

List goes on. Blizzard has done a more than adequate job of compensating the class for its range limitation. It’s my favorite class to play in Retail at this point.

It’s not imagined if it’s true, though. Slapping a 40yd range on Devoker or Augvoker defeats the purpose of those specs’ designs and toolkits. The fact that Blizzard is continuing on with this design in TWW should speak to their intent.

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I wouldn’t cite Blizz refusing to back out of a self inflicted complication as proof everything is fine…

Further, there are signs they are trying to have it both ways with the upcoming talent changes and hero changes. I still hope to someday see a wowhead post saying evoker range extended, but I think they are trying for more alternatives first.

That’d make sense if everything wasn’t fine, but everything is fine currently.

The day that Blizzard completely stops considering Evokers in encounter or dungeon design and the limited range is actually a consistent issue, I’ll be right here with you screeching about it. Today is not that day.

Not really. Spatial Paradox is an Aug support tool that they feel fits the whole class better as an option. Hero Talents somewhat adjust the existing toolkit, but none of them involve just handing free range to any spec of Evoker.

From what I can tell, the hero talents provide an avenue that will allow for more frequent deep breaths and shorter hover cooldowns, which doesn’t help with range but would increase mobility to a level more acceptable for having short range. After all, if we can stay close more easily with a build that feeds into granting more mobility rather than simply being a tax on mobility it could potentially be a graceful solution. But it’s a bit early to tell.

I can’t say that I’ve found our current level of mobility to be an issue in this regard, but a lot of the classes’ hero talents are doing similar things. Better defensives/mobilities across the board, basically.

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And now all that remains is to try it out and see if it’s enough combined with the availability of Spatial Paradox.

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technically, giving aug more range (on beneficial spells.) Ebon might is already an anomaly with a range of 100.

Yeah I’m sure people will use this as some sort of a weird inefficient range buff, but the main reason everyone is getting it is because it was so powerful that other specs had to swap Aug for progression.

Using this strictly for your own DPS will be a laughable waste 99% of the time.

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I just want 2 things, Defy Fate and Hover and Obsidian Scales and Renewing Blaze not interrupting our damn spell casts.

Deep Breath getting a 65-75% built in DR would be gold.

I’ll also say out passive defenses suck and need to be looked at. Paladins are running with a whopping 20% extra stamina, we’re damned dragons and can barely get 8%.

Give us a 10% magic DR built in and 10-15% stamina. Getting real tired of our survivability being curtailed just because they gave Augmentation all of the class durability budget.


Idk, I’m feeling incredibly tanky as dev now that we want a good amount of vers.

Our defensives are incredibly strong as long as you use them at the right times.

Going to be even sillier in TWW.

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I agree. Our defensives are super good and feel really wonderful cooldown time wise due to two charges of scales. With the ability to self heal on top, I usually only ever die to stupid. On other classes, I would die to rot and raid wide damage way too often because I ran out of defensives when our healers were struggling on progress.

If only the same could said for PvP. In PvP our only good defense outside of scales is being slippery. I’m a greased pig in WPvP and instanced PvP: hard to catch but once caught I’m cooked.

You need to understand that your opinion isn’t the only opinion. People explain reasons why and you respond with NO REASON lazy bad design.

The same can actually be said for both sides of the argument.

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No, that’s not how it works. It’s not the argument. It’s his flat out refusal to even consider anything a valid reason.

And yet plenty of people have said why greater range would be beneficial.

And where did I say they are wrong? Funny how that works.

So you’re saying there IS a benefit to the short range? It currently works, but being functional at short range hardly qualifies as being a perk of short range.

Has anyone here said more range would be weaker?

Just because something is stronger, doesn’t mean people want it.