Short term Outlaw fixes


You can still have skill expression with a more streamlined gameplay. Currently the gameplay is just chaotic dashboard staring and that’s something other specs don’t need.

If you want skill expression by playing it in the most ridiculous possible way possible, go playing Outlaw with a controller while balancing on a ball while your screen is set to 1% brightness while there’s a construction spotlight shining in your eyes.

There’s a huge discrepancy between outlaw and most other specs in terms of how complex and bloated it is due to a combination of factors, and this should be fixed asap, except that we’ve still had 0 acknowledgement and fixes ever since the rework… We still have to endure game breaking bugs that haven’t been fixed either.

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Outlaw is bloated because it has no identity and just uses dance/stealth windows which is the cornerstone of Sub.

At this point there is no saving Outlaw as a spec. Just rename it Sub lite and call it a day.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

I just hope we can get a blue post with the plans for Outlaw, because as much as I like my rogue, idk if I can enjoy another season of the current state. I’d probably end up playing something else that doesn’t take me 3x as much brainpower to play for the same damage output. This would nag me though because I’m very attached to my rogue as a character :frowning:

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Yea seriously, these arguments that we “should not fix” bad design because “skill expression” Are ridiculous.

Outlaw would still have a lot of skill expression even without these badly made mechanics.

Some people are more worried about stroking their ego than actually making the class/spec feel better to play.

What exactly is fun about being forced to use a weak aura due to bte not resetting when you enter stealth?

What exactly is fun about overnerfed energy regen that’s mostly fine as long as you have adrenaline rush up 100% of the time, but as soon as you lose it, you’re sol? Why does energy even matter for outlaw? Energy management is not the point of the spec anyway and frankly speaking, if it was, i wouldn’t play outlaw, because i don’t like to micromanage energy and have excessive downtime.

Overall there is potential for outlaw, but they screwed up a lot in some areas.

Dreadblades removal instead of a rework of the ability.

Excessive energy regen nerf

Overnerfed opportunity proc, 35% cannot stay in the next expansion. Same for count the odds. The only reason why it’s fine right now is due to the tier set. And also the hidden opportunity proc nerf was a bad idea. Nerf the damage not the proc rate, like what the hell?? What were they thinking.


delete rogues