Shocked in a delve

Recently changed mains to a pally and then decided to come back to the class played most my life. Got to 80 was fair. Geared up some to about 605 stepped into a delve (assassination spec) and I was shocked how terribly difficult it was to stay alive.
After 5 attempts I pretty much threw in the towel decided to step away from the PC.
I was getting hit like a truck with no way to sustain myself with recuperate, and or feint, vanish blind, stunning etc.
Maybe offering something for these classes that aren’t as strong like a armor buff might be beneficial or something since you can really do anything with leather across the board . Definitely though I see healers and rogues feeling the brunt of pain from this tier for delves and wish them all the best. Delves are very fun solo. I ran a group delve and it didn’t feel as good as solo. But at the same time as a rogue I cannot solo this and maybe the pros can but I am an average player. Looking for some tips or resolve so I can be like my pally toon to feel comfortable as such


Kidney Shot was nerfed to 30 seconds and Gouge CD was increased. BlizZard doesn’t understand that impacts the ability to solo in delves.

Imagine trying to do torghast in systemlands with a an increased kidney shot CD to 30 seconds, increased CD on Gouge, and reduced healing from all sources.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


We need to know more about what delve and where you were having the issues.

I haven’t solo’d that many 8s but it’s been doable thus far. Although I’m also inclined to believe there are likely some fights and mechanics that just aren’t possible for us solo as well.

Fungal Folly was a pretty easy on 8. You just need to actually kite. You don’t try to go blow for blow. We bleed and kite.

put bran as dps. tricks him on cd. do damage


Didn’t matter, solo torghast on rogue was miserable because of the amount of powers that required you be behind a target or cast vanish, both impossible while solo without a summon to hold agro on vanish. At least in delves, vanish works because Brandon Brassbear doesn’t know how to vanish, just lay on his back and lay eggs if he takes too much damage.


You know they buffed the stun duration to 8 seconds which is nice. And they’re’ going to make cheap shot a 6 second stun duration.

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Yes for PVE the increased stun duration helps in some situations but in others the longer CD on Kidney and Gouge works against Rogues trying to do delves.

The saving grace doing Torghast was the legendary invigorating shadowdust. Without it you were really playing checkers while everyone else was playing chess.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Definitely feels really rough at times, but best i can say is going slow has been the key for me. Im honestly pretty mediocre but I’ve been doing outlaw, having Brann in healer spec has been absolutely key and while i definitely feel incredibly squishy I have done about 30 8’s solo and did a 10 solo yesterday. Using Sap, pulling mobs back(when Brann allows it…) and just carefully using cd’s has made most of the delves extremely simple. When i get impatient and try to rush it and take on too many at once is when i just drop dead.

Zekvir though is miserable, just absolutely demolishes me

I switched up Brann to dps for that one. Still msierable but I didn’t always have the burst for every cocoon otherwise.

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I’d like to know why sometimes delve mobs evade when I attack from stealth.


terrain bugged?

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I found tricksing Bran really helped me but possibly I also turned some kind of ilevel critical point because they went form “I absolutely can’t do this” to “Oh, this is fine.” I keep Bran as healer and haven’t tried doing anything above an 8.

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I’ve solo’d almost every version of every delve so far at level 8. There are a couple that are hard because of huge pulls but outside of that you should be able to solo every single delve with brann as a healer. Feint is huge for the aoe pulses from big bosses. Once you get to around 600+ ilvl there really isn’t any delve thats impossible for rogue on tier 8, which is the only level that really matters. You might need like 615 ilvl to kill zekvir though, just so you have enough damage to kill the add.

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You don’t need 615. I did it at around 600. Switch Brann to dps though to help with adds.

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I did the 8 at like 582 ilvl. You Sap everything even if you’re gonna open on it for the Blackjack debuff. Brann as healer, Amorphous and Light-Touched.

Poisoned Knife is really the hero. I was just kiting everything and reapplying DoTs. The bosses you can rotate defensives. Also pop Sprint and ghetto kite. Save Evasion for when everything else is on CD and you know you’re about to get slapped and there are no potions on the floor. Kidney Shot stuff obviously.

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It’s doable with a sin rogue. Put bran on heals, make sure he has no dumb bouncey talents on him. Keep to the item range and take your time with the pulls. No more than 3. And dance in those HP potions.

I haven’t done these on any other alt than my rogue yet. I’m looking forward to my Hunter vacation.