Shockadin needs some love

I am not finding any gear for Shockadin in the naxx patch… can we get something so that we can keep up with retribution? Its a fun playstyle but it feels like we have been abandoned this past patch and this coming one… whats going on here?

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I found some on wowhead.

*** of the crusader gear. For outside of naxx problem I see is: belt is useless as we use the zg belt/set, pants are are a side grade over zg at best, and shoulders are side grade/worse than aq20 ones. (I see a ring too for sanctified bonus.)

With the trinket you could argue that gives (4 pieces) 100% increased damage in naxx.

Inside Naxx: From what I have heard this is not even close to actual dps so I’m confused on why it even exists.

They should start looking at Retail’s Paladin talent “bush” for ideas…like

Highlord’s Judgement replacing our Judgement ability.

I’ve been submitting an entire essay and video of shockadin suggestions phase after phase in sod and we still have no tier set :disappointed: even though it was promised back in molten core

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I would be happy with some paladin trinkets even, something that made shockadin great at pve. Maybe a rolling dot or a stacking holy damage debuff. Or something that makes consecration do an outrageous amount of damage… or holy wrath doing even more damage. Heck anything that gives shockadin a big leg up.