Shockadin Completely Broken On Ptr

They are just saying what shockadins can do while you’re being disingenuous the whole time.

But you don’t care you just need your get back.

Bro this isn’t a match. If 2 shockadins team up and beacon each other. They are semi immortal well killing anyone they look at in 1.5 seconds. If 2 shockadins team up it’s like pulling Exodia. lol it’s kinda funny.

Dude 2 shamans can hit 10players for 9k damage in 1 global.

Not even close

So im doing what shamans have been doing for the last 2 phases, and now its time to stop?


yes the fabled group of 10 people who are practically stacked right on top of each other and are somehow lacking in any ranged that can counter at least 1 of the shaman before they even get within range.

how nice that must sound in your head.

Me and blink dont exactly agree on things but this is actually ridiculous.

You cant be serious when you compare shamans and shockadins.

Oh no all the shamans are now crying how sad

I know, shockadins and shamans arent even close.

5k damage in 1 global!! Nerf burn rune

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Considering horde call the alliance sooks. This is on the ptr and look at the tears. Hilarious

It is interesting that you keep saying shaman mains will come on to complain, but you are a paladin main saying you dont need a nerf exactly the same way you claim shamans did it when they were op.

Or are you just nah nahing for the fun of it?

That’s what’s great about me I ain’t fake and I wouldn’t just lie about my position cuz I don’t like you.

I keep it 100

you are starting to get it

werent you the bloke saying you dont care about gdkps, when you clearly cared?

Keeping it 100

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it sounds hilarious AF tbh and completely broken and bad for the game

they’re definitely gonna let it hit p5 that way


Again you’re wrong, this is a reoccurring theme with you…

I care about gdkps, I don’t care or advocate for them returning to sod.

I have not once argued for them to return, I have tried to correct all the missinformation you all spread about gdkps tho.

Fake once again

Ok bro, enjoy your 20k posts


Going to be an influx of holy paladins P5

Almost asif something like this has happened before with another class?

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What’s funny is this guy just got a system message and I was like “man who I make mad now”?

It was actually them congratulating me on getting promoted to trust level 2.

a trustworthy man

Even blizzard knows I keep it 100

grats king :crown: soon you’ll be able to post links