Have a bunch of shockadins running around holy shock spaming 2000 in PVP back to back with 100% crit chance well healing their beacon target for 2000 each holy shock. No cd holy shock spam 100% crit chance 2000 back to back well
Healing for 2000. This crap needs to be fixed before it goes live.
Suggest completely removing ZG 3 set 50% damage buff on holy shock. This is chimera shot on crack. When Holy shock crits it resets the CD. They are running around with 100% crit thanks to the new 2 part tier 2 and all their talents. Literally running around spaming 2000 back to back crits well healing a beacon target for 2000 a pop. With 100% crit rate.
Or, you can just quit being a big weenie baby
So almost like an ele with less aoe
Lmao what you are you guys on. I just tried it out 2000 crits are possible back to back. With 100% proc chance. This is nothing like shaman. This is straight cancer that needs to be removed. What shaman ability hits for 2000 instant cast no cd with 100% crit chance lololol.
Ya lava burst crits for 2000. Does lava burst have no cd? And is perma instant cast lmao?
I swear only paladins will justify a 2000 instant cast 100% crit chance no CD ability
Youll find with burn rune and riptide yes
Shockadins can do 3k dps while being top heals on PTR lol
Ya this is the most mental thing I’ve ever seen. 100% crit chance 2k damage instant cast no cd. To top it all off it’s a plate wearing shield paladin that can bubble and shotgun 5 guys solo with this during bubble. All well healing his buddy for 2k a pop well doing it also lmao.
Ya just like ele shamans if lava burst was instant cast had no cd and no flame shiock requirement to crit. Ya just like that bro
Notice how you never see anything like this for warriors in PVP
Good. Let them have some joy
No, this is propaganda. Let it go live like this, nerf shamans a bit more for good measure while we’re at it and increase bubble duration just to be safe
Lmao have joy smashing 1 button over and over for 2k. Legit brain dead.
Ya getting killed in 3 seconds worth of globals all instant cast for 6k damage should not go live.
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