Shockadin Completely Broken On Ptr

i see you found a new buzzword to spout and act like you know what it means.

You are the king of thinking you know what things mean brother. 3000 posts, time to seek education my friend.

maybe you could use that critical thinking instead of emote posting about shaman all the time ?

Did your mother smoke while pregnant?

Look up ironic

hehe the difference here being that i can actually use my brain and come up with arguments that make sense and are supported by logical thinking vs your inability to even see past (omg i got owned by a shaman!one1! they are op as heck!).

Just because you keep telling yourself that doesnt make it true. You even went as far to make a new post, just to get ridiculed about how oblivious you are.

its not 2k. Its 3,500 if you use other spells with it. Just did 12 in a row for over 3,400 a pop lmao.

being ridiculed by ridiculous people doesnt faze me honestly.

but please do go on thinking that you have any mild affect on me .

Remember the whole shamans flameshock is only 20 yards so range can counter them easy!

I say holy shock is also 20 yards.

Oh oh no thats different!! You cant control paladins!!

With how oblivious you are my friend. I really dont doubt that

So flameshock hits for 3k,

You then get an instant lavaburst for 2k that hits for an additional 1k.

Thats 6k in 2 globals!!! Eles need a big nerf

Holy crap this is more cancer than I imagined. I also think this will be BIS for ret in PVE you can get it to hit for 4000 a pop in pve. This will also heal your beacon target for 4000 a pop. Or if your ret think you can break 5000 dps doing holy shock spam

Almost at ele levels, but not quite there yet

heh youre right and wrong at the same time.

right that a 20 yard range really does pose a weakness .

wrong that it matters to a class that can go immune to everything for 12seconds every 5 mins and only needs 1/4th that time to spam shocks into 1 target and kill them WHILE IMMUNE TO EVERYTHING.

and please do try and discount the 5 min thing while also saying stuns from pallies and rogues can be fully countered all the time with a 5 min cooldown trinket.

is anyone gonna tell him or should I?

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Don’t forget they can also 100% speed sprint on you with BOF up HOJ you and spam you down without you able to do anything.


The guy is clueless

Shamans are the ones that get sprint, not paladins. They also get a freedom.

Are you sure you dont want to nerf shamans?

horse doesnt count as sprint i guess?