Shining obsidian stone not working

Beat on boulderfist for 10 minutes with shining obsidian, cold frost (absorb shield every 20 seconds for 36904), and indomitable earth stone.

Total time : 11:37
Total cold frost shields gained: 34

Cold frost : 1:23 (11%) uptime

This should have procd shining obsidian stone 34 times at least (not including indomitable earth stone, which has absolute garbage proc rate of 5%). 36904 * 34 = 1,254,736 damage in that fight. This damage is NOT being shown in details at all. As an fyi, my whetstone did 1.78m damage for this same period.

Is there an internal cd on the shining obsidian gem (if so it is garbage)? Why is the dps not there, and why are absorb shields not proccing shining obsidian stone properly?

On my paladin I have Cold Frost and Shining Obsidian. I just did the siege and then looked at my logs. Shining Obsidian procced twice on Captain Lancer, twice on Inferna the Bound, and at least once on Grand Flame and Flame Sentry (that’s as far as the log went). Those three fights spanned no more than three minutes and I got at least five procs.

Edit: I have Shining Obsidian with Gleaming Iron on my feral druid and even just auto-attacking sheep, Shining Obsidian procs usually twice each fight.