I’d be so happy if casters could be casters and melee could be melee.
If a melee gets next to you, well your going to be in for a world of hurt.
Stop a melee getting next you then the same thing is going to happen to them.
I’d be so happy if casters could be casters and melee could be melee.
If a melee gets next to you, well your going to be in for a world of hurt.
Stop a melee getting next you then the same thing is going to happen to them.
you can mostly beat shimmer poly with good positioning, but double shimmer is insanely powerful
i wouldnt mind if it had like a 3s cooldown on top of the charge system
You don’t need shimmer to do this
Im gonna drop some knowledge on all of you about an ability that has “zero counterplay”
Lets run through every healing spec and their counterplay to shimmer
rsham (lol): stand out of los and 1.spam the literal fck out of focus windshear 2.drop grounding when they commit shimmer. After you do either of these just los further. If mage commits second shimmer you only have to deal with 1 shimmer for every go afterwards
Disc priest: Stand out of LoS and premonition as usual. Win the juke war. Your only goal is to force shimmers w/o getting baited, or preferably putting yourself on dr.
Rdruid: lets be honest this isnt an issue just dont get poly’d like you always do. The only time ur getting cc’d is db->RoF and that doesnt have anything to do with shimmer
monk: your cd’s are a bit longer, so you will eventually get stuck but standing out of LoS and spamming focus para gets shimmer charges down. Port is last resort.
Pala: Believe it or not with good positioning you can steed once the mage shimmers and STILL los it if ur not slowed. Also cycle sacs like you always do. business as usual.
The reality of the situation is that shimmer has close to zero effect on how easy it is to land cc on 3 of the 5 healing specs. AND HERES THE KICKER: If shimmer was replaced with deep freeze mages would have an even easier time getting sheeps on rdruids, disc priests, and rshams.
Wow, someone posted an actual balanced idea.
Hey, screw you, buddy.
Agreed. The mobility arms race is the reason we have things like shimmer. Ranged kicks, near infinite up time, and the plethora of gap closers introduced in the game make for unhealthy casters. Fire mage is a good example where most of the damage is instant cast and they are always moving because of the melee pressure put on them.
the only melee with inane mobility are
DH, Monk and Rogue
your certainly not saying DKs, Rets, Enhance Shaman, Feral (for its basic function) have high mobility. so i guess fine nerf all the leather wearer’s as those 3 classs have added more to the mobility arms race than any others in recent years.
Just business man. Nothing personal.
and warriors
Classes need to be drastically redesigned for that to work is the thing. You take away mobility in the current state of some of these specs and they become useless. It’d require a drastic overhaul for each spec. Or for instance high mobility specs to become control based/sustained damage with semi decent burst.
biased mage main here
i don’t even play mage anymore because even with shimmer and as frost you -still- get dumptrucked start to finish by every double melee team. there is no getting away from them, period, ever. and even tho mage can still win games despite this, it is frustrating to the point of making me reroll.
i’m not playing a game where my personal meta is watching two large ogres smash my character up while i stutter-juke 5 pseudo interrupts until i land one polymorph. like holy fk that is so unfun.
if shimmer goes i want the 27y range glyph for blink, blazing speed, and alter time baseline.
Yes please.
I hate Shimmer. Literally the only mobility “upgrade” in the game that makes you lose out on a baseline defensive while making it have a longer cooldown.
But they balance mage around Shimmer, so we all have to run it!
I’d rather they delete Shimmer and bake one of its passives into the spec. Some would like double charge. Some want castable while casting. I’ll settle for off the GCD.
Maybe only arcane can cast and shimmer?
This is reasonable although either way they need to do the same for the double movement capability or double distance capability of other specs.
Mages have been fine without it you 1400 mongoloids
That’s because almost all of them played Frost up until Legion when Deep Freeze was pruned, in fact early Legion was the first time that Frost was ever considered not viable in Arena and they had Shimmer and Ice Floes on separate talent rows.
Can’t agree enough that shimmer needs to go.
It was broken beyond belief in Legion, but even now in BfA with the 20 second cooldown it is too powerful. And it overshadows everything else Blizzard would ever put in other talents in the same row.
Make baseline Blink off the GCD, and likewise Displacement off the GCD (for Arcane). Add a talent that reduces damage you take by X% for Y seconds after you blink in the place of Shimmer.
You mean like Mana Shield pre-nerf?
Shimmer should teleport you half distance as normal at the cost of 2x charges. The cooldown also needs raised to 30 seconds minimum.