Shiftydruid is going Alliance soon

So to all of you who have been involved in my post in the past. I have done my best to give you all decent PC building advice ect ect. Been pretty active here. I just wanted you all to know that I am going Alliance Soon™.

So if you start seeing post from a Night Elf of Stormrage named Shiftydruid? Its Me! Had the same saved on that server for years incase I ever went ally.

Wish me luck on on my new Home!



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I see that empty spot. I will join you! Soon
In all seriousness this is running me $55 a toon. So gathering funds then taking my 4 mains and taking 1 toon a month after


I transferred over to stormrage for this expac, was planning on playing this month, I think I logged in a total of 3 times this month and my acc expires soon again lol


Mine expires this month too from the 60 day game card. I got from 55 to 58 in that time, LOL.

Otherwise been playing FF14 or single player games.

So you’re saying these forums will be quiet soon

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Lol well I suppose I am bit of a chatty Cathy

Ill miss You my brotha :sob:

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I’m not quitting though

I meant when I go Alliance :heart:

Whole point of this thread :wink:

He’s probably Alliance Moonguard Gnome

Stormrage is most populated for Alliance.

This toon was my main. This xpac is disappointing for me. Eventually I’ll get this toon to 60 though.

Oh, welcome to Alliance!

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Well its where I am now!

I have had some cosmetic changes but its still me folks!

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what happened to your hooves

Gone for good. I feel a lot lighter on Alliance

it’s that elven grace

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