<3 I seem to be out of words this morning and hate the traditional- here’s our recruiting info, but I think I might be utilizing it. Community and a warm home is what we strive for, as well as, no obligations- no requirements- no pressure. We want you to get the most from your free time whether it’s with us, or where-ever you do find it. Good Luck with your search- my brain is tired, but I did want to reach out, so here’s our … stuff = /
Legacy Content
Respect for how others want to play the game, patience, communication.
#souls.NOT.slots, sense of humor, family, food, and animal lovers
The ability to play without pants.
We are a small, adult guild that is the result of VERY hard work by the people who forged its steel. We focus on member maturity and respect towards each community member during the day --and at night, the havoc wreaking begins. When we are not cutting loose, we strive to be helpful towards our fellow guildies and allies and are innately paying it forward without even realizing it. The environment we provide promotes family and community relationships over skill sets and team roles.