Shield Charge Macro help

So I’ve tried to make this macro several different ways and none of them seem to work. I want to Shield Charge in, then cast Thunderous Roar. Problem is, if I put Shield Charge first, the sequence never progresses. Shield Charge goes on CD and that’s it. It’s a super simple macro, just doesn’t seem to work:

/castsequence Shield Charge, Thunderous Roar

I had a combat reset in there but took it out because I thought maybe the macro was resetting before SC put me into combat but taking it out doesn’t change how it works and the combat reset works fine if I use Charge instead. I know I’m doing the cast sequence correctly because I’ve swapped to cast TR first and SC second and the sequence works perfectly. I’ve tried it with Charge instead of SC and it works perfectly. Is it something specific with SC? I noticed something weird with SC in that it appears to be off the GCD but when you first press it, it acts like it’s going to start the GCD but then doesn’t. That doesn’t happen with Charge so I’m wondering if this is just some sort of bug/limitation with how SC works. Anyone have a working solution or know why this won’t work?

For the time being, I can just Charge, TR, then SC which isn’t horrible since it gives me enough rage to then IP, but I’d still prefer to have the option to start with SC.

Shield charge doesn’t progress a castsequence if used outside melee range. Been broken that way since it was added.

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Good to know, thanks. First time I’ve started playing a warrior with any sort of dedication.