Shield and spear transmog

Does anyone else want a shield and spear transmog?


Like where they where a shield on the wrist and wield the spear in hand?

A nice greek/roman style would be pretty cool


Shields and spears


Yup, I do.

Too bad the dev’s don’t care for that kinda thing (would suit paladins as their thing very well!)

It’s very much a templar fantasy after all!

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Spartans! Today we dine in Gnomeregon!!

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Shame we don’t hold spears correctly in WoW.


Spear and net, like Spartacus,

New Gladiator Stance: allow Protections Warriors to wield a two-handed weapon in the main hand and a shield in the off hand.

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I’d like to mog a Polearm to live out my best Imperious life.

(Even tho they gave the archangel mog to priests)

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1h spears weapon type would be litty

Shield in one hand spear in the other.

That would be nice. They may have to scale down the spear a bit since many of them are quite large.

Shield + 2h mog please! Yrel did it!

But paladins are for crushing people with hammers! Not stabbing, stabbing is for those filthy warriors.

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At one time the spear or rethu was one handed, though it was a description bug. I was excited to get to do shield and spear. This would be awesome still

Heck, I wish I could hold a shield on any melee class and still be considered a damage dealer.

I was really hopeful that Arms Warrior would have this option via the original talent trees. Seemed like they were teeing up the possibility with All Warriors getting access to talents that increased 1-handed weapon damage and shield manouvers, as an example.

I often stab and slice. Axes and Swords are useful