<Shen en Calhar> | Horde is recruiting!

Hiya folks!

Shen en Calhar is currently recruiting!

We’re currently 6/8 in BWL, offer 2h MC clears, etc. KSK loot system (so ya don’t have to worry about new folks and loot council or people having Eleventy Brazilian DKP saved up), plenty of folks happy to help you gearing, farming, and leveling, etc. We’re a small guild on a small faction on a small server, so please type “/who Shen” and give us a holler!

Especially interested in DPS, especially Hunters and Fury warriors, Holy/Disc priests, and Resto druids at present, but all are welcome. Current raid nights are Tue, Thu, and Sunday with slots available for BWL and MC.

Also, please join us for our world famous Friday Night Drunken Molten Core Trash Farm and find out that you don’t have to be Shadow spec to proc Blackout!


Lemme just touch on the whole interested in priests thing…

