Shell Game Sound effects

The sounds when you don’t match the things is so toxic. Please for the love of God remove it.



It’s awful. I have to mute my computer just to play the shell game now


Please give us an option to just turn off these new sound effects.

Please yell at the person who thought that the one decent Tortollan world quest needed ‘improving’.

I haven’t posted on the forums for months because I have been having too much fun playing Classic WoW but this change is annoying enough to make me come and post about it.


I completely agree, please Blizzard, hot fix this, either get rid of it, or make a setting option. This is utterly horrible


This - so much this.

I agree, hate it the sound!! Totally annoyed by it.

Oh wow, I thought one of my addons was doing this. Please remove, or have the option to turn off.

Doing “Shell Game” for the first time since patch release, and hot dang my guildies weren’t exaggerating about the annoyance of the noise. It’s very distracting and to whomever is responsible for the change: Quit wasting time on changes that aren’t necessary nor frequently requested.

I shouldn’t have to turn the sound off so I can focus on the world quest! :angry:

This is the one Tortollan quest that was enjoyable and it’s ruined because someone thought that it was a good idea to put in that goofy sound effect. I agree 100%. Stop “fixing” what isn’t broken.


Adding my vote to revert the sound effect or provide an option to disable it. I submitted a bug report on this, but figured I’d add my sentiment in this thread as well.

Its a slide whistle, with all the other problems with this game why is this what you’re crying about, dont like it? Turn your mixer down, match the shell correctly rather than hitting the same wrong shell while scrolling facebook, or dont do the quest. Problem solved

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I’m also requesting the sound be removed, or as an alternative, just tell me the name and/or ID of the sound file for the slide whistle. I downloaded a WoW Addon to remove the Monk Mount greetings/farewells, and I’m hoping to follow the same setup to remove the slide whistle sounds (mute all relevant sound files).

If I can get the Filename/ID, I’ll hopefully be able to throw together an addon that will help people like me that are annoyed enough about the sounds to do something about it.

Edit 2: I’ve spent hours trying to make my own addon to mute these sounds and I haven’t had any luck. I’ve been using other addons that mute sounds as a code base. Mute_BanLu is a fairly simple addon that just mutes all of the Monk Mount sounds, and it’s worked fine ever since I downloaded it. It simply mutes a bunch of sound files by their IDs. As simple as that sounds, either I can’t identify the specific sound that’s being played during the shell game, or I need some way to translate from WoWHead’s ID to the local ID (I’m assuming they’re the same, but maybe not).

Sound file I suspect is the culprit, but may have a duplicate lurking out there:
fx_humor_slidewhistle_down_short (ID 34352)

Any assistance would be appreciated. I’ve put this much time into it, I’d hate to have no successful result after all that.

Ctrl-S is for Shell Game.


Agree with everyone. Why was this added to the game. Horrible idea, take it out.

They’ve removed the slide whistle effect, but it sounds like they merely replaced it with something only somewhat less annoying.

Why Blizzard couldn’t have simply reverted the 8.3 changes to this world quest entirely is anyone’s guess.

Who thought of this… horrible idea… pls remove ASAP