She will show you the way

so one you beat the final boss of the crucible of storms, n’zoth talks about how the circle of stars is made flesh and whatnot, the circle of stars is likely his prison (to find him drown yourself in a circle of stars) n’zoth goes on to say that she will show you the way.

his prison seems to be near nazjatar, and we go there because of sylvanas sending her fleet there. is sylvanas the one n’zoth is talking about.

There are at least three women involved in getting us to Naz’jatar - Azshara, Sylvanas and Lady Ashvane.

He could be referring to any, all, or none of them. And ultimately it probably doesn’t matter.

i just figured, because sylvanas is the one that sent/lead us there she might be the one n’zoth is referring to, but i guess it could be all 3

Xal’atath is prime candidate, IMO.


xala’tath buggered off, leaving her roommate behind

But she was made flesh recently. And she definitely was not beforehand.

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yeah, but she is definitely not showing us the way to n’zoth


She definitively DID show us the way to N’zoth. Did you sleep through the eye-on-head quest?


Circle of stars always makes me think of Tyrande.

except by this point that quest already happened

kinda weird for n’zoth to say something will happen, when it already happened.
n’zoth “xalatath will show you the way”
me “she left 3 hours ago to go on a intergalactic journey after i awakened you”

besides xala’tath only had us awaken him, she didnt show us the way to his prison.

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She absolutely showed us The Way. She led us to and awakened N’zoth.

Yeah because that’s going to last any measure of time.

and yet n’zoth didnt say she showed us the way, he said she will show us the way. if he was speaking about xala’tath he would have been speaking in the past tense


Yeah, I thought it was already consensus going back months was that Xal’atath is indeed the circle of stars?

Receive now the greatest of all gifts. My dream has become your own. The circle of stars made flesh. She will show you the way. Come… come. The hour approaches when all eyes shall be opened.

Definitely sounds like he’s just referring to Xal who is standing in front of him.

xal is not in front of him when he says that, she left during the questline that happens before the raid.

you are forgetting the line “to find him, drown yourself in a circle of stars” by this logic are you saying we drown ourself in xala’tath? while that sounds nice in all we find his prison during the azshara raid


Why do you think everything with the Old Gods – who are inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s Old Gods – is literal?

it probably helps that we find him and his prison without even going near xala’tath, so that makes her being the circle of stars unlikely, especially since above the prison is a literal circle of stars as we see in the warbringer short.

And the binding of us to N’zoth isn’t the path? The freeing of ourselves from N’zoth isn’t the path? Can you say either of these things are true with any definitive proof?

again both of these things happen BEFORE the raid. and n’zoth is saying she will show us the way, not she has show us the way. you need to learn your past, present, and future tenses

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MB I thought this was the pre-raid quest text.

No, I haven’t forgotten I just read it as a metaphor for throwing your lot in with Xal, the weapon, which is then given to Sylvanas, and the weapon leads her to go out and eventually find Nazjatar and then N’Zoth. I guess it depends on how you view Xal the new sentient being and Xal the weapon. Both seem to keep the name.

is it really appropriate to still call the dagger xal’atath when xala’tath is not inside it anymore, and something else is?