Shattering Throw - 50k?

“We need this!”

demolition makes it do alot of damage to shields, it was probably a shatter on dark pact yea?


Yeah seems overly excessive when I have no recourse to stop this besides throwing out other CDs I will undoubtedly need later.

If I fear he kicks I have no wall, I eat the shattering throw I die right after.

I coil he gets dispelled I eat the shattering throw I die right after.

Like my only stop is infernal I guess which doesn’t protect me from the next spear of bastion go so my only recourse is to not kite the warrior or magically path myself back to my gate at the exact moment he spears me so I can gate out. Just seems a bit ridiculous to have a 50k crit that can just insta-kill me basically.

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yeah melee have better ways to deal with it. warriors can intervene it or any melee can disarm, or any cc basically will stop it

Still seems quite idiotic to have an ability that hits for a full healthpool of players noncrit. Being able to be interruptable or not

the damage seems to scale with the size of the shield on the target, so the larger the shield, the mroe damage it will do

If you don’t interrupt shattering throw then that’s your problem. It has a massive CD and cast-time


Doesnt matter that it has 50min cd and a cast time if once you get it out it does 50k on an absorb lmao


Just warrior things, class is completely broken & overtuned


demolition makes it a 1 min cd, and he’s prob casting dark pact when he no longer has mobility, so he gets punished for using a defensive or is forced to overlap more defensives or mobility on top of his other defensive

How do I do that hmm?

Besides infernaling, I have nothing to stop it that he can’t either get dispelled upon or kick, in which case, it would always be the latter and I will die because I got kicked on my wall tree.

He’s just breaking a shield off.
I dont see the big deal?


It sucks and I’m def not one to defend Wars, but the PVP talent that he had to take to do this is not good. In fact, I’d probably never take it. Looks like it may be useful vs 2 niches; Locks with dark pact and maybe MW for cocoon.

They deserve it after bfa s4 soo


Yeah shattering Dark Pact… nothing new.

You sound like a BfA Mage right now.


Dark pact absorb is overturned right now anyways so


It’s only because it was against a shield no shield it ain’t hitting that hard.

Yeah because plenty of people dont have Flesh craft right

But why would they take a pvp talent spot to do more damage to a channeled absorb? It’s no where near as good as an instant shield on a target that’s about to die.

You act like it’s hard for classes to get this off, I think only dk would have a hard time getting this.

Anyone who can cast something or good mobility can get this off if they need