Shattered Hand Horde Reconnections

@sixin @scorner @brokentotems YO, what a throwback!! For sure guys, we’ll most likely be going Alliance on Herod - Golz#1318 bnet ID

Most likely rolling dwarf paladin - but may swap last second :wink:

KAZ! Golz#1318, hmu boo

Looking for my old school Hellborn and Emnity peeps. The days of stirring up trouble for Praeorians and starting a war in the wetlands will soon be revisited I hope.

Slyker - Troll Hunter
Bonaar - Orc Warrior

Long time no see Erd! Will we see you three on Herod? Add Silkspith#1499 and Juggernaut#12467 (along with others who were in Dark Matter), we’ll see you all on release night!

main was a tank: Maerduuk
guilds i can remember being in. adjust, evade and sparkle motion
wonder if anyone from the guilds that plan on going back to classic and on the herod server

Killar - Undead Priest

Guild: Enmity

Crazy to see so many people still around. Will be playing Horde on Herod.


Name: Makalas, undead warrior

I haven’t been able to find ANYONE from this guild as we were rather small. The only other person I remember was Jujubee, a Troll Warrior and the guild leader was an undead warlock. If you’re out there, or if ANYONE from Parlous is out there, hit me up GRIFF#0265

Darknewt , Undead Warlock

I’d probably be better known as Darknoob as I was called in trade chat :slight_smile: I was a 13 yr old kid, hung around people like Adooma, Keekers & I spent my freetime inspecting Dranlo

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Yates - Tauren Warrior
Rosario - Undead Priest

Guilds: Shade Enclave, Relentless

Looking for all former members of the mighty Shade Enclave!

Some of us are going to play Horde on Whitemane: Sully (Mage), Tritus (Shaman), Isiss (Rogue), Levar (Rogue), Laurid (Druid)

@Medrith - Hello! It is good to see you again.

@Brokentotems (Fugi) - You must be the dude my friend sold his account to. Hello!

@Asniper - Hello! Still salty? We cordially invite you to join us again!

PST: Yateskid#1385

The Shade Grows Strong!


haven’t heard of dranlo in a long time

I was Scatman Undead Priest and Spreadem Troll Rogue Lead a few guilds and hoped around played with a bunch of you, also sold all day on top of org LOL the good old days

Shoji, zephr, aniper, xracer, kazmir all name I remember seeing around town!

Golz, praxis, silkspith and viper freak we all pvped and raided together

Balboski been way to long!!! we raided enough back in the day, we need to get on vent asap

Emmanuel spent enough time on top of the org bank with you

Guilds to many myrmidons while leveling up, red hand of the horde, decimate leader played with a bunch of you though

Shout out to some old name looking to see def dranlo, ellidor, skyfangkillr who was the little server troll on alliance who had an account on both sides who would host the dinner parties? He was hilarious

If any one could find skit again he was a gem! please send his contact my way PILT, Also laya the female priest who was really a dude we def need to reconnect to many good times on Shatterd hand


Ryann - Undead Mage. Coming back for classic specifically


Ah I remember that Nef race and kill, was an epic time. Also that AQ grind to princess until my first pc took succumbed to kaazaa viruses and died lol.

Gonna be on fairbanks with some old school shattered vanilla/tbc guys.

It’s crazy to see so many people still around. Hopefully we see some of the spark WoW has lost in the recent expansions. As for myself and Relentless we’re rolling Alliance over on Herod. We’ve got a lot of the old guard coming back to play some Classic. If you don’t already have a group of friends, or just want a home feel free to join us over there. SH vets are certainly welcome.

Hopefully see a lot of you around, green dragons, xteaming with DnT, kazzak griefing, pvpyo and 4minute AV’s…good times. Can contact me at Dranlo#1151 if you’re interested in playing with us.


Valception from Ye Ole Hangmen here, was their for our Pyre merger and a bunch of us that don’t play still keep in touch. I am still active and in current Relentless. What up!

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Hi cutie :stuck_out_tongue:


I played an undead warrior Saiyan and an orc shaman Ararix . Was in Hit list and Ye ole hangmen. I remember a few names in this thread.

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Ad valorem still sucks. Jk <3

I remember a whole bunch of you. Hbombs from ye ole… we’ll be horde/herrod playing with wwff.

Dranlo… why alliance?

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Deadsummoner - Undead Lock
Ifnpwndu - BE Pally

Ye Ole, Hit List, Tru Tank Doggs

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Teka Troll Priest
Lots of old names comming back. I was on SH since day one starting off in The Myrmidons with Ruwa and all of the great shenanigans that came our way then moving to Hellborn and finally ending up in Relentless for several xpacks to come and plenty of great times along the way.
Still need to figure out what faction I want to be part of.
I will be definetly seeing everyone around in a few weeks.