Shattered Hand Horde Reconnections

Chabar -Troll Priest

I raided in the SUPER early days with Relentless up through about 1/2 of MC, then joined Takillee & a TON of the guys from Seeds of Despair to create Sedition & make some great friends in game. Can’t wait to start again!

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Praxis - Undead Priest
Khabibulin - Undead Mage

Beyond Remorse
Seeds of Despair
Red Hand of the Horde

Crazy seeing all of these familiar names


Lirianna - Undead Warlock
Rilena - Blood Elf Pally (I know my pally technically isn’t classic but I did play her a lot so someone might recognize her)

I was in Hit List for some time and a guild called Dementia

Darkclouses- orc warrior
I was a kid back then, only really remember flying hellfish and ye ole hangmen

Khanitus - Troll Hunter
Elvendohr - Undead Priest

Panther Moderns, Red Hand of the Horde, Aftermath, Myrmidons

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Slice - Undead Rogue
Red Hand of the Horde and a few other guilds I can’t remember.

I remember playing with Balboski/Khanitus and PUGing with some SoD guys (good friends with Prophastar - Undead Rogue). Seeing some of the old gamer tags is bringing back memories!

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Asniper undead mate as well as Zahlen and Zahlenlol resto druids from Hellborn.

My main was a Undead Shadow/disc priest “Truder”.
I use to play in guilds Ego, Hit List , B E E R , Hangmen and few others . I remember Cheyane , Jknight, Itsnoc, Inso , a lot i cant think of there names . I go by Endgame or Xzelias now days . HMU

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My main was Noelmunoz resto druid at release. Was on several guilds (Aftermath, Revered). Looking to connect with old friends. Bondstar / Bagamut where you guys at!?! Hit me up!

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Don’t forget that late night raiding guild.

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Dude its us from Slash Gee Quit like Bill just said!! Holy crap!

You gamed with me Hataro, Mdx, Gabboo, Gabboosiste, Sobee, Stablizer, Ulazain add me jasonola#1346 Hope to see you bro!

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This is Hataro a former (trash Blood Elf Hunter) I also played a BElf paladin named Nothealing someone should surely remember that name.

looking for my bois on Shattered Hand circa 05-09. I was in Vindication, Slash Gee Quit, Templar Dragoons, Paradox, In Aternum Reasonum, Im Exalted with Mcdonalds

Also in Fusion, Defenstrated Necrosis, and Built for destruction, Sympathetic, OKU, Hard Like Heroic, Go Go GadGet Goonz, Trade Chat, Southern Raiders, Executioners Consortium, Preminence

Looking for annyone who played with us and also looking for a Paladin named Symmathos and a mage named Nasuada! add me on bnet jasonola#1346

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Tell him to hit one of our boys up

Olizzy Undead Mage & Fugi Tauren Druid here, I used to raid with Transcend, Revered, and Aftermath. I was in WGF for a while in the MC days as well. Looking to reconnect with folks from those guilds or anyone else who i may have crossed paths with! So many names and so many years ago… but are any of you out there? Taurenhuntr (Miss you man!), Sreid, Deathx, Bagamut, Golz, Synister, Mab (SP? Druid from Relentless), Jinmoo, I forget your name but whoever ran the Transcend website, and everyone’s name i can’t recall.
I’m almost certainly forgetting names that i’ll recognize them so i’ll keep eyes on this thread. Looking forward to reconnecting!


xracer… did the HWL grind with the others, however only reached r13.

I remember a bunch of the names mentioned above and all the guilds.

One of the first memories is Skyfang in Thunder Bluff farming/tagging pvp honor.

So yea … There we were and this Main tank of ours had …had to make a run to Mikey D’s in the middle of a raid. I don’t remember the exact one… but his Girlfriend made him go… was only supposed to be a 5 -10 min at max … So we took a break and well it was like 45 minutes later and Tyreal came back and his order was messed up so bad I do believe he said he threw the Drink back in the window at the attendant.
Was in Beyond Remorse on a Mage … Firemange in Beyond Remorse, was with Uncontrolled for awhile(I still have the awesome wallpaper a guildie made us)
Be nice to Run agian With some Crazy Shaman Kaldesh and Babaganosh as well as other crazies Deception, Moolinda and his have 2 epics LFG UBRS, Doomm, Mawu, Slurp, Someone


Golz - Tauren Warrior


I remember playing with a ton of other horde guilds, so anyone else looking to go Horde again! Had a great time on SH back in the day.

Edit/Update: Going smelly alliance :wink:


Surprised to not see Uncontrolled, Pyre, and Ye Ole Hangmen posts here unless I missed them


Silkspith - Shaman, Beyond Remorse, Aftermath, Crimson Overlords
Silkspriest - Ye Ole Hangmen, Dark Matter, Old Skool


We’ll be playing on Herod when it drops, see you there!

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Kazmir - Troll Shaman


Played Vanilla from the first day until about halfway through AQ, then took a break. I recognize a few names here like Golz, what’s up! and a bunch of guilds. Probably crossed path with a bunch of people here at some point. Some of my fondest gaming moments were on this server, epic fights at tarren mill and southshore, hours long AV battlegrounds, finally killing Nefarion. Shout out to anyone from transcend and hope everyone is doing well.

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