This is Cooldud! Hey guys! I still talk to Midgetwar and Saca. I’ll text them
i played way back then as well as vhal - human paladin and dameroth - nightelf warrior. started in Purge, then Adrenaline, Riders of the apocalypse, Evolution and Royalty. between launch and 2008
Ironmange- Dwarf Hunter
Think I was in Freedom Fighters in Vanilla, joined up with Royalty for a while in BC on my priest Joselin. Good times.
warcraftrealms. com /charhistory.php to look up your history
Apox - Night Elf rogue
Guild - Goonies or The Goonies?
Part of one the first multi-guild alliances to take down Rag, the UAA
and also played a bit with ROTA (Riders of the apocalypse)
Will probably get some play time with Truegrave, deancain, etc.
Cownsu here. Looking for my Medievia buddies from Drama.
My character name was Winggundamz I was a Human Warrior never quite got to 60 but was close I was in a guild with some great people a Husband and wife. I would love to get back a hold of you all if you are still playing the game.
Mickas, The Lord of Hair
Retribution Paladin
… I plan on playing Classic as much as I can spare with the old Pare Bellum gang.
I remained on Shattered Hand till PB fell apart during the Mythic Uldir run at the end of last year, then I moved to Sargeras to focus more on WPVP of all things. I can now be found burning my time away in Duskwood along with the few members of Darkshire SWAT Team.
Nice seeing these familiar faces and names.
At the 3:20ish mark, You can see yourself, Fourstar, and me slightly after. Enjoy.
We were in evolution together. I played thejdawg feral druid.
Hi Shattered Hand! I played a Gnome Warrior named Bigboyroy for a while on here, before I decided to be edgy and made a Troll Shaman named Roy on this server.
I mostly did wpvp. I transferred off the server in TBC and have played on and off since.
Edit: Oh yeah, I was in a guild called deltaflux and I AM ERROR
Hi Shoji & Barnak! Wintyr, NE druid, also from the Indom/Royalty/Haze/Havok days. My husband played Doomstress the rogue, though he was on Klebla, the druid in the Ouro kill video.
I’m on Emerald Dream, Alliance side in BFA.
Poik Human Warrior in Riders of the Apocalypse since beta, I was also in this Guild in Everquest as an Iksar Necromancer prior to WoW for years.
Holybee - Human Priest, always healing.
Ramen, WarCry, Syndicate, Raiding Robots.
So funny seeing all the old character and guild names I remember, like RotA and PB. And references to Copperfield! That guy was amazing and really added flavor to our server.
Hi Im Jillsandwich im a member of S.T.A.R.S
Jesus Christ, You would be playing Horde wouldn’t you.
Good to see you’re still around.
Hey! What’s happenin? I’m mostly playing paladin on alliance now.
Freezebeard- Dwarf Paladin
Deltaflux / Pare Bellum
I remember you Mickas. How you been? Looking to connect with other old members from older iterations Deltaflux and Pare Bellum.
Hey, I was in deltaflux pretty early. I was out I think by the time it got to be pretty big, if I remember correctly.
I was a gnome warrior Bigboyroy.