I remember Copperfield lol
I remember Copperfield too. Wasn’t it revealed he was someone’s alt?
Good times. I remember when Celleron got his Hand of A’dal title in BC, never seen anyone so happy in my life
Onarv , Night Elf Druid. I started in Riders of the Apocalypse > Skyfang > Indomitable > jumped to WarEnsemble After they beat us to Kel’Thuzad. … WarEnsemble vent bombed us at 9% on Sapphiron… Indom should have won lol.
Marc, dwarf pally from Drama.
Bigben, Shadow priest. Only really did pvp
Dezo here.
Taunts/Steve/Enkay/Tetra/Malisto here.
I was in Death and Taxes, then Indomitable for awhile (officer chat when it was just Moki and I was #depressing), then back to DnT when everyone re-rolled Horde in late 2007. Was also in Havok shortly after TBC launched.
I still chat pretty regularly with Shade, Fetch, Imprecation if anyone remembers those guys.
I see some familiar names above: Barnak, Shoji, Elmara.
Oh my god Copperfield. The guy who RPed on a PvP server xD
Klash, Human Warrior (still to this day)
Dawn of the Phoenix
Order from Chaos
bounced around after OFC looking for raiding and PvP guilds until I left the game after TBC.
/wave Fourstar and Khabul! Recognize those names 14 years later!
I was Vrez, a rogue, and Ansil a Human warrior in Drama from launce tell they transferred to Korgath.
Human Plaladin Sabelis i dont remember what guild it was
Hey Barnak! I remember. I found an old kill video I made where we killed Noth, but for some reason I made an intro of my 19 rogue twink.
Copperfield! He must return.
Any old Saxons guild members hanging around? … we had good times
LF Syrci and Kalzakath ! Never forgot those two
I played as:
Oskar- Dwarf Paladin
Auma- Night Elf Priest
Maryana- Human Rogue
All from Servants of Justice and then later another guild that for the life of me I can not remember…
I was Ronienn - Night Elf Druid - Purge Guild played with:
Elegba, Areia, Akala, Elluna, Bigsatsloader, Bams(?), Blackquantex,
Giganosis - Pally - Skyfang
Hyunkel - Human Paladin
Guild - Stoic
These ppl took me in as a fresh lil noob and decked me out in Tier 2 faster than should be allowed. I never did get those damn bracers though, screw you Razorgore.
Good times. Miss you all.
Mahdeib - Dwarf Hunter