Sharpened Blades buff bug

The last time I’ve played was during the Uldir raid/patch; I came back a couple of weeks ago to check the game out.

With that being said, my rogue character is still receiving the “Sharpened Blades” buff that no longer exists, despite not having any Azerite armor with that trait. I don’t even think you can even get that trait anymore. And no, the buff does not buff my next Poisoned Knife or Shuriken Toss, yet it still shows up on my buffs UI, it still stacks to 30, and stacks reset if I use Poisoned Knife/Shuriken Toss with no added dmg bonus.

I’ve discussed this with the rogue (best) discord, Ravenholdt, and they were the ones to inform me that “Sharpened Blades” no longer exist and that it’s definitely a bug. I can provide screenshots of the bugged “Sharpened Blades” buff if need be.

I’ve tried relogging, unequipping every gear, using /reloading ui, deleting my cache and wtf folders and yet I am still receiving that buff every time I auto-attack.


Same issue here for over a year now. Just been waiting for it to go away… doesnt seem like it’s going to though. lmao. So annoying T.T Think Blizzard will fix this in 2021? xD