Sharing hairstyles between void elves and blood elves please!

I’d really love at the very least the ‘Falling Tear’ hairstyle for Blood Elves. The braid looks so outdated and just plain bad.

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No. Stop it.


No, it’s not.

No, they don’t. Another genre of elf thread that I despise is the ones insisting that blood elves and void elves need to have everything else separating them torn down, either by giving void elves everything still unique to blood elves - their hairstyles, their green eyes, access to paladins, access to DHs, and their city - or by going through the technical nightmare of merging them into one race, which just proves how much of a slippery slope giving void elves normal hair, skin, and eye colors was.


Void elves don’t need anything, except maybe more void things. Stop trying to pick clean the bones of the blood elves with your selfish greed. Bunch of never satisfied vultures.


If VE has all the customization that a BE has, what justification does the race has to exist?

No. VE needs more unique customization, not more copied customization. Espaicially since the race is already subjecated as a sub race itself dispite the namesake.


How about we stop ruining void elves and actually add void customization to them instead of pandering to the whiny high elf fanbase?


Void Elves are literally exiled Blood Elves.


Blame Blizzard for that.

Until they add the real High Elves, players are forced to stick with the Void Elves that they never asked for.


And? They’re genetically separate races now, and the game treats them as such instead of one just being customization for the other. Void elves already have their own hairstyles like every other allied race, many of which by default have tentacles that don’t fit blood elves thematically because blood elves aren’t the race that was mutated.

Meanwhile, no one ever demands that other races share their customizations with their respective allied races, e.g. normal orcs and Mag’har, or at least not with the volume of void elf fans doing it. Y’all only get pushback on these sorts of requests because you’re the outliers and people are sick of your eternal victim complex.

I and many others would love more customization that builds on the void elves’ real theme, as opposed to more hand-me-downs from blood elves meant to appease the fans of a race that has no personality whatsoever beyond their blind loyalty to the Alliance and Dalaran, but it seems the people who like said theme are drowned out by the ones demanding paladins and more “normal” barber options.

Then some people say they’re onboard with void elves cannibalizing elements of even more races, such as one thread where the OP begged for them to get dracthyr hairstyles and some other goober insisted that they should get evokers before anyone else for the sake of making them even with blood elves. If you give in to these people, then at some point, they’ll start asking for Alleria and/or Vereesa to lead the Alliance.


These two races already share high elf and darkfallen customizations. Sharing their hairstyles will complete these RP customizations.

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Blizzard and the fandom is to blame. Blizz should had never catered to the fandom and dealt with their forum spamming, and the fandom should had looked at different ways to acheive their goals other then ruining a race.


Not sure about a CTRL C, CTRL V but it would be nice to have some hairs that don’t look disgusting on void elves.


Man, how do you even go about ruining a race that hasn’t been even developed?


By going the exact opposite direction for what they do have developed and themed. Also the void is very much already developed, so by going against void lore, you are essentially ruining the race abd making the void as a force less impactful.

That’s the thing do, it really isn’t, they will probably play a role in the void expansion, or at the very least Alleria will, but the void doesn’t need the void elves to exist.

The only time a whole race corrupted by the void was ever impactful was the fall of the black dragonflight and even then 98% of the talk surrounding their fall is undermined by “AFTER ALL THESE YEARS IT’S STILL HARD TO BELIEVE NELTHARION WENT MAD AND BETRAYED THE ASPECTS!!1!”, case in point, Alleria interacting with the void will always be more focused on than the void elves as a race, it’s simply how Blizzard writes these things.

And last and final point, let’s just be honest here, Blizzard was just winging it with the allied races as a selling point for the new expansion, they knew Alliance wanted the blood elves model, they kept talking about how they didn’t want another Pandaren situation so the only reason why void elves exist was as a compromise “Hey, you guys got the blood elf model but it’s visually distinct enough for our standards!” they never planned on making a intriguing storyline for them(After all, we farmed reputation with the Broken Draenei to unlock them for some reason).


Wrongo. It is.

No, but the theme of the race is void, and void currupts and mutates. So what does it mean to the void for non-mutated void elves? Lesser impact.

The fall of neltharion has allot more context then just “lol I’mma gonna betray ya!” His madness was a combination of things;

As an aspect of earth he felt every movement the planet made, the pressure from the plates, the breaking of landmass, digging and craters being made, this was a painful feeling to him. On top of that, due to his connection to the earth, it was easy for the old gods to put ideas in his head. And that is just the small bit of that subject.

And this is an arguement how? If your against AR’s then why even post in a topic about an AR.

Lmfao no alliance did not want that model. No real alliance fan wants a horde model.

If anything some of the HE fandom was talking about HE’s should have their own model. That was long before VE was a thing.

Opinion. Some of us likes that story.

You mean the rep that was also apart of alleria’s story?

Oh, you mean like the progenitor of the void elf race? Whaaaaat, oh nevermind I forgot Alleria is pale white with purple eyes and black hair, mb. The normal skinned void elves, are probably the same as her, they found a way to consume a being of the void, though definitely weaker than fallen Naaru while mainting their normal appearance. Hell, you could even consider it the closest thing to a story progression since I doubt the Locus-Walker is out there warping every high elf and blood elf scholar that comes to Telogrus to make them purple so they can fit in.

Indeed, unfortunately you missed out on the following part of my comment.

Another example to make it easier for you to understand, when Teldrassil burned and the majority of the Kaldorei were wiped out there was very little focus on the Kaldorei as a people recovering from such a traumatic event, even in Shadowlands more time was allowing the ones that had already died to move on instead of helping the ones still living with one exception: Tyrande, whom they chose to represent the development of an entire race. Once again, it’s simply how Blizzard writes these things.

I am not against AR, if anything I am mostly indiferent since I don’t play any of them I was just saying Blizzard were simply winging it so they could have it ready for BFA. I know the unhinged tribalism is a cute thing here in the forums but even if I were against the ARs I would have even more of a reason to post on a topic I had a strong opinion on, not even sure what you were trying to say in this point.

1st) You =/= Everyone, 2nd) compromise to get what they wanted.

Cool, doesn’t change that it’s a poorly developed, made up in the spot story regardless if you like it or not. Hell, the whole thing about Alleria wanting to visit Silvermoon to get the Blood Elves to join the Alliance only to find out from a slip up from Lor’themar he exiled a large group of arcanists and magister researchers(That later somehow became rangers and warriors too?) studying Dar’khan Drathir’s void stuff while at the same time they heard that she had absorbed a Naaru while on Argus requires so many coincidences it’s not even funny. The story is objectively bad and underdeveloped and unless Blizzard is willing to dedicate a whole patch to them like they are trying to do with the Dracthyr, it will always be.

Forgot to add this one, though I am not 100% certain, I am pretty sure the krokuul had nothing to do with that quest chain, that’s just part of the Argus campaign, according to Wowhead, it’s the War of Light and Shadow, last quest chain before the unlock of Antorus.


It just makes everything the same. Which is boring. It all needs some flavor. People have suggested some really awesome things for all elf types. Resorting to just swapping hairstyles is dull.


I have always been in the camp that Void Elves should of been asking for our hairstyles instead of our hair colors anyway because Void Elves have awful hair but instead people wanted our hair colors so now I would much rather Blood Elves and Void Elves get things to further distinguish them apart rather than sharing stuff.

Also if you or anyone else is that that intent on having a Blood Elf hairstyle play a Blood Elf instead of a Void Elf the choice is literally right there and has been since Burning Crusade.


Is it hard to ask for normal thalassian looking hair colors and hairstyles now in days. Aleast with the Males with spiked hair and link looking hair while the females have nice short hair, Long with Ponytail, and etc.