Hello, so share your new class build, give feedback, so we start theorycrafting.
Here is mine, Shadow PVP
i would love 32 points to get Mental Decay, but i went for the synergy between…
VT + Shadow Crash applying 4 VTs + Mind Spike + Mind Blast + Idol of N’zoth appliying Echoin Void + Apparitions + Void Eruption Windows for burst damage + MInd Spiking Only after VT procs (no hard casting to not remove the DOTS).
Then for pvp talents, i got thoughtsteal (can swap with psyfiend if you wish, depending on BG), as its the most fun talent ever.
Then a better void eruption… I would love Megalomania and Greater Fade, but i guess no luck…
For the base priest talents, i got… PI self buff, a mandatory talent. Swap between leap of faith / shackle undead depending on meta.
Full Mindgames, as its kind of an extra defensive, angelic bulkwark and a pretty decent version of Fade, not greater Fade but, removing impairing is decent. Finally Void Shift and Crystaline reflection should really help.
The weakness is still everything or almost everything being shadow based, so a silence counters in a big way. Nonetheless, the more powerful power word shield should be able to help a bit… Also maybe Thoughtstealed spell xD (havent tested if for example a polymorph is still shadow thoughtsteal or its arcane as the original spell), also maybe angelic feather to run away xD