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lol omg I love it. :grin:

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What’s a void elf? I am just an elf that stayed with the Alliance.

WOD never happened, Garrosh was just killed at the end of MOP. Legion was due to a breach from the tomb and ended at Avatar (alt guldan isn’t a thing), the Legion may still be a threat in the future. BFA was just horde vs alliance after tension from the death of faction leaders and Gen hating Sylvanas (who is the warchief); she also never had any influence from old gods or the shadowlands. At the end of BFA due to various occult activity and a certain black dragon- Nyalothia did become a threat and shadowlands is the nightmare my character is stuck in. She is really in a coma somewhere after getting her brain sucked by some tentacle monster and shadowlands is just a horrible nightmare…except for Sire, he’s the only good part (;

Azeroth, as a titan, pulls a Transformers move and morphs into her humanoid Titan form. She immediately goes after daddy Sargeras for poking her bum with his toothpick. Sargy gets lolkek’d into oblivion, and Azy takes her place in the Pantheon as the new ruler (girl power!).

As for where we went? We’re floating through space, using our friendly space goats as mounts!

The shadowlands we encounter isn’t the true shadowlands, the covenant leaders and jailer are actually just titan level parasites that attached to that part of the shadowlands to feed off of it like parasites and don’t truly contribute to the cycle of life and death like they claim to

Mine is Vol’jin never died and we never got BFA and that stupid council. Shadowlands is just a nightmare.

I am trying to sort out inside my head which Night Elf Druid is still sleeping and who is awake in the Emerald Dream?

Why? Because of the title of the next expanion leak “the Awakening”

Sylvanas did nothing wrong.
Anduin is wrecking the Shadowlands.
Elune wanted Darnassus to burn.

  • The four Covenants we encounter in Shadowlands are the controllers of the afterlife; while the actual number of realms may be far larger, they all are subordinate to Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth, and Ardenweald.

  • Brokers are the spirits of Ethereals.

  • Elune and the Winter Queen aren’t related (Elune is/was a sleeping Titan like Azeroth, that the Void was unsuccessful in corrupt)

  • The dreadlords are, and always have been, demons and part of the Burning Legion. They hail from Xoroth, just like dreadsteeds.

  • The Lich King was in service to the Burning Legion, with Ner’zhul acting as the corruptive entity contained in the Helm of Domination. Ner’zhul’s spirit, itself, was driven to insanity as a result of his captivity.

  • Frostmourne is the only weapon of its type, and was forged by the Burning Legion as a weapon for their champion, the Lich King.

  • Sylvanas and Uther’s souls did not get splintered when Arthas killed them. Sylvanas had her own reasons for acting as she did (see below). The Uther we see in Shadowlands is being emo for no reason.

  • Sylvanas truly wanted to serve the Horde, but in a way that primarily benefited the Forsaken and -ultimately- her first. If the Forsaken were strong, the Horde was strong. If the Horde was strong, she was safe. The events in Stormheim (the lantern getting broken) made her desperate.

  • We never killed N’zoth, nor any other old god. They exist beyond the cycle of life/death, and N’zoth focuses on destroying enemies from within. Going to Nya’lotha and killing squiddyboi was a fevered dream.

  • The Alliance attacked Lordaeron first. Turalyon spearheaded the assault, given his revulsion to learn that the kingdom was under control of the Horde - and the undead.

  • Teldrassil was an inside job. The Horde successfully set up a blockade around the world tree and began to occupy it. Worgen & kaldorei leadership at the tree refused to let it fall under Horde control, so they decided to raze it and report it to the rest of the Alliance leadership that Sylvanas gave the order to burn it.

  • The Sunwell was never reignited. Blood Elves continually seek demons to feed off of. The Blood Knights continue to subjugate naaru.

The Shadowlands aren’t the actual afterlife but a twisted reflection theorized to be born of dead chaos and attempts of the void to claim the souls of the deceased. How it really came to be is neither known nor truly important, as no memory, record, or consciousness persists from that point in existence. Shadowlands aside, the realities of death are both unknown and unknowable.

Good or bad, the actual afterlife is wholly uncomprehendable to the living in any sense. If space, time, or any semblance of physical law applies, none do so in any way the living mind can interact with. This is why actual death remains a mystery simply because there is no intersection between living awareness and the what lies beyond. It’s not a mystery to be solved - it literally can’t be known to the living.

In the end, Zovaal seeks to destroy the Shadowlands because he realizes that the Shadowlands should not exist. He realizes that there should be no Undeath in Death, that an existence where souls can further “die” can’t possibly be the real afterlife, and that so long as the Shadowlands exists, existence itself is flawed because of it.

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Radical Yrel came to Azeroth and used the Light to dominate it and it’s leaders. She has me as her personal slave, having a deep, secret Void fetish.

Nothing else matters.

Bad blueberry! Bad!

Medivh is actually Garona’s father and not lover. She is half human/half orc, and the “conquest baby” thing didn’t happen with an orc and draenei; Medivh ported to Draenor randomly one day and had a loving relationship with her orc mom (he was pretty suave). Kind of how the movie imagined it.

The retcon of Garona’s lore was the most troublesome for me, of all the lore I’ve read. Don’t get me started on Medan. My sequence of events cuts him out completely.

Ghaghzull becomes the Warchief of the Horde by killing Garrosh in Mak’gora match.

super headcanon power activate: ghuun is actually not dead because we used a half developed titan lazor, same with nzoth and both will show up within the next couple expansions. since ghuun is bad at being an old god, he ends up living in zuls body and ends up being a minor antagonist in the next expansions zones before we end that stupid worm and stupid troll for good.

Basically the entire universe is snapped away and all of WoW ceases to exist. Then after about a week of the WoW servers being offline we get to log in and the game was entirely retconned. All of the lore is written and refined by real professionals starting after the events of WarCraft III. We get the new revised epic Lore starting from scratch.

World of WarCraft: this expansion focuses on general world exploration, lots of emphasis on dragons, Horde vs Alliance and that kind of stuff. Very Epic fun open world experience.

World of WarCraft Rage of the Fire Lord: This is an elemental calamity type expansion where we catch the eye of Ragnaros when we delve too deep chasing dragons and treasure. Lots of elemental type threats and problems while still dealing with lots of normal world stuff and rag cultists.

World of WarCraft The Old Empire: This focuses on the Ankiraj and old gold sort of threats. They have sat and waited and now silithus has been overtaken. Insectoids raid nearby settlements and march cross Kalimdor consuming all in their path. The threat must be taken down culminating in us stopping C’thuun.

Can sort of make an expansion for every big story plot instead of wasting all our villains and lore in single patches. Blizz can do better for real. A new engine, overhauled graphics and better story telling. Do the game right. A BIG WarCraft redo.