Shardsong spawn timer is ridiculous

Shardsong (rare spawn on Siren Isle) has such a stupidly long and variable spawn timer that there is next to no information on the forums or Wowhead about it. I have waited collectively for 5hrs for this thing to spawn, and still nothing. No rare should have this level of unknown spawn rate.
Congrats to people that have killed it, cause your luck was shining bright that day!


IMO, rares timer should be on the map itself. Long are the times where ppl need to time anything.

It’s 2024. There should be UI improvements for rares, perhaps save for things like Timelost.

The rares are not really rares at this point anymore it’s more like a glorified named add.


Yeah I camped it earlier today and the other rare in the vault (non storm phase) spawned like 6 times before Shardsong did from when I entered the vault.

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Not to mention when it does spawn, it dies in 30 seconds if anyone is nearby, so nobody else has time to get there. At least they added the fast respawns, I guess.