Sharding puts Vanilla gameplay second (anti-sharding anthology)

Hopefully they’ll also listen to the cooler heads in here, and dial the shard sizes up by a factor of 10, so that while we’re sharded, we’re still heavily packed in.

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They have said

While making sure in the long run, as server communities solidify, there’s a healthy population, and a single world for everyone to live in.

They have said it. Time Stamp: 2:05

They’ve also never definitively said they’ll even use it in the first place. They said more on how they plan to not use it for certain areas than they’ve said on the areas they “might” use it so this whole “sharding will never been turned off” idea is highly exaggerated.

I did not hear Ion say “sharding will be removed.”

He basically promised some kind of nirvana if sharding is used (which he admits is antithetical to Vanilla WoW).

Sharding is anithetical to the concept of a cohesive Classic community.


[Sharding will] give us a healthy population and a single world to live in.

Both cannot be true.

Sharding and community-based gameplay are mutually exclusive.

Case in point: solo-play modern WoW.

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Think a bit further than your own narcissim. The game is going to be hammered by millions of people with no intention of doing more than leveling a few levels, only to find out its too hard and quitting after a day or two. Sharding is there to protect against that causing dead servers after they all leave.

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I hope so.

One of my lifetime guildies and now good friend IRL was met in the starting zone on launch day when none of us knew what we were doing.

Turns out he was one of the best damn tanks I’ve seen and got us through the raids like a boss.

You definitely can miss quite a bit in the first days.

Or you could be sharded into an area where you’ll meet someone like that who wouldn’t have played that first few days because of overcrowding if servers weren’t sharded.


Destroying the longevity of the game for a one in a million story is selfish.

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Really? If too many tourists leave then sharding will somehow make your realm high pop, healthy and nicely faction split? Or you will just be stuck so forever with no merge in sight?

What about if not enough leave?

Maybe you just can’t be bothered with fighting for mobs and want it easy even in the first few days?


Where are you even getting that sharding will make the realm high pop? Sharding will help with the excessive population so that tourists don’t interfere with those actually wanting to stick to the game.

As for not enough leaving, Eloraell has already explained, that if, by a certain point, too many people have reach a certain threshold, blizzard can open more servers (BEFORE they get too crowded) to alleviate the extra stress. If you have x number of servers and all of them are high pop with excessive people not leaving, then adding in more servers gives more of a chance for people to select those servers.

Oh look. A new contender to repeat the same tired old arguments that have been shot down repeatedly. All your answers can be found above.

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Probably just another private server refugee, looking for Blizz to make Classic as similar to their private server as possible… trying to mask their reasoning behind easily countered opinions and chicken little-esque prophecies of doom.

When at week 4 on Sever1 very few leave and Server2 is barens? You will open what and close what?
You don’t know the amount of tourists on each server beforehand to know what the remaining percentage will be.

Wrong guess made by retail kid. I can do that too :slight_smile:

Blizzards modern tech/solutions will be used to assist with and even help justify the business’ needs concerning the Classic project. Sharding, right click report, modern bot/exploit detection etc… asking them not to use them is asinine, imo.

They aren’t shooting for the 10k private server experience. Especially on launch and especially in starter zones.

They stated on the day Classic was announced they aren’t looking to re-create the launch experience. So we immediately knew a modern solution to address launch based server bloat would be utilized.

I understand your chicken little-esque prophesies of doom but I don’t agree with them.

Starter zone sharding will not affect the overall Classic experience in any way.

We’re not talking week 4, we’re talking week 1. Getting to 20 won’t take more than maybe 3 days if you go slow. If they’re over populated (remember, by overpopulated, we’re talking about more than expected reaching an expected drop off rate in population, not outright congestion), they’ll open more servers. Tourists generally stop playing by around lvl 20, this is a number that has been gauged from past experiences in WoW.
If 1 server is crowded and another is empty, that’s another story that not even not having sharding in the first place will solve.

It solves it better because you can see the leftover pop and deced how to merge. A thing you can not do before tourists are left.

Blizzard can see the population of a server with or without sharding.

Read again - “see the leftover pop” i.e. after tourists are gone.