Sharding kills community and server identity


What part of Classic WoW is not as complex as BFA do you fail to understand?

What you appear to be missing here is a component of Vanilla game play that’s causing you to totally fail at understanding this…

The frequency of attacks in Classic WoW is far far far less than the frequency of attacks in BFA.

The number of targets impacted by a single ability in Classic WoW on the average is far far less than in BFA.

These two components are massive in regard to server side calculation loads.

If you don’t grasp those two concepts then whatever man, good luck with failing to get it…

Quite the F’in stretch there my dude that’s quite the stretch… The poster before me said something to the effect of “I don’t trust blizzard because of how they shard retail”, I then explain why sharding retail doesn’t matter because the game has 0 community aspect left so they use it so it doesn’t lag, another guy comes in and says “Sharding isn’t used to help lag”, I say it is, and then you come in out of context and say some nonsense.

So that means I am addressing classic issues with a currect WoW mentality? Dude just admit you spoke out of turn and all is well lol there is nothing more to it.

Well if you want to talk about this now, this is also quite the stretch my dude you seem to speak in dramatics. Once you’re level 30 and it’s 2 weeks into classic, you won’t even know it ever happened.

…it was a demo… I don’t actually have to explain this to you why it shouldn’t be referenced like…ever, right?

And none of this matters in the starting zones. Especially when it is only going to be on for a limited amount of time.

I’m not going to read the rest of that nonsense but I have to ask you one question.

How exactly do you think sharding in the starting zones hurts communities, and what would you propose they do differently?

I really want you to be detailed in HOW you think it hurts the community specifically.

You spread so much misinformation, you can’t even tell when you’re doing it.

The number of calculations are


10x10 = 100
10x10 = 100
100+100 = 200

20x20 = 400

What part of this simple math that you learn when you’re 5 years old can’t you understand? WoW is a secure server-client MMO and the more people in the same area, the more calculations the server needs to do.

I do NOT CARE about the FACT that Classic is not as complex as BfA. It’s irrelevant to this statement of yours I keep quoting.

I think it will harm the community indrectly.

Not because of the sharding itself at low level, but Blizzard’s displayed dishonesty regarding Sharding on RP realms.

God I love hearing when people say this so much because it’s so easy to prove wrong lol.

They did not lie to the RP realms at ALL about how they were going to shard them.

Galdor, again you’re displaying your inability to stay on topic and take things out of context…

What are we talking about here? Sharding in CLASSIC WOW… not BFA.

I am talking about Classic and I am using BFA as a reference, but still talking about Classic WoW.

You have gone way off into the weeds and keep pointing out things about BFA that have no baring on the situation at all what so ever.

YES I understand how sharding can benefit the players in BFA, but what you’re failing to comprehend is APM rates in game make a huge portion of that work load.

If you have 20 BFA characters on screen and they’re using their typical rotations for a combat situation some of them being direct and some being AE attacks; the number of calculations by the BFA character is likely 100X more intense than 75 characters from Classic WoW

First because the Classic WoW Characters simply cannot attack at that higher frequency and second because their individual spells do not have as many effects.

The raw number of spell effects per use is massive, it’s the difference of multiplying by 10 instead of 2; that’s tremendous…

Think about this for a min, I know you can get it… I hope you can actually understand…

You don’t know how many potential friends you’ve missed out on because they were in a different shard. Life is about those opportunities of meeting somewhere at the right place at the right time. You limit that, and you might miss out on years-long friendships as a result.

It’s the only gameplay we have of Classic. Of course it should be reference. Is it the final version? Obviously not. A ton might change. But to ignore the only playtime we’ve had on Classic is…ridiculous.

I answered this above already. But really do you not see how it hurts the community? People in chat talking about something going on…oh wait, no it’s not because you’re in a different shard. Immersion is destroyed. You’re not part of a world, you’re part of a very limited shard.

How should they handle it differently? For the third time: invest in real servers. Handle it like Vanilla launch. It was fine. The problems weren’t server issues. They handled the load fine. They were configured wrong by the manufacturer. It’s just a continuing myth that people make up that the servers couldn’t handle the playerbase.

So what? You also don’t know how many friends you missed out on because of a queue or because of a server crash or because someone simply went to another server.

According to a lawyer no, but the way they worded it to the RP realms is kinda misleadning… IMO it’s very much intentional.

There was a massive outcry from the RP realms regarding sharding and how it’s community breaking…

I agree.

Blizzard responds with…

They are fairly specific about the use of sharding on RP realms, and it would lead the typical player to assume this means as long as they stay out of holiday zones or Northrend / Modern WoW zones such as whatever the new content is; then they are going to be shard free.

IMO not a bad compromise right?

Well turns out, when populations in an area are higher than blizzard would preference sharding takes place regardless, and even in some areas where for no apparent reason.

Given their inability to either control their system properly or lack of honesty or change in policy I would rather not venture into that can of worms.

I’m going to try this one last time and then I’ll let you ramble on because this is getting absolutely ridiculous.

“In some very special situations, the previous optimizations are no longer sufficient to re-duce the delay. For example, when thousands of players meet in the same area.”

“In these situations, every single player’s public action (movement, mana / health modifi-cation, spell casted, etc.) has to be broadcasted to every other player in the area. For 100 players in the same area, it means 10,000 packets per second if every player is doing one action per second in average.”

“It might not have been the right idea to have everyone on our realms at the exact same place at the same time.” Rob Pardo, Blizzcon 2013

According to what they said in plain text. If you didn’t read what they straight up said they would do, then that’s on you not them.

You mean like the same thing that happens when you’re put into a que and literally don’t get the chance to play with them at all?

No it shouldn’t be referenced at all actually lol it was a demo. It still had legion stats in the game for christ sake, should we assume those stats are going to be in as a reference? Of course not because you should use your brain to think about that logically.

Because as they have mentioned it’s for the STARTING ZONES FOR THE FIRST COUPLE WEEKS. My dude, you won’t even be getting into groups in the starting areas for the most part. And even when you do it’s with 5 people. “OH BUT WHAT ABOUT THAT ONE GUY ON ANOTHER SHARD WHAT IF I COULD HAVE BEEN FRIENDS WITH HIM” well then guess what that means the guy that you invited in your shard wouldn’t have gotten invited instead so you just missed out on THAT opportunity for friendship. Honestly though, people talking about life long relationships in the damn starting area is making me just cringe at this point. You aren’t going to make friends with literally every person in your starting area. And guess what with EVERYONE there, no one is going to be making friends as most will be trying to get out of that crapshow and get into the next zone so it’s not so crammed. Also, it’s not as if those people in that shard are gone forever, they are still on your server, you will see them at level 20 just relax my dude, you will make your friends, it’s not like they die in the shard. Effing christ.

You… you’re actually nuts. Okay gotcha. Man the ignore feature can not come sooner. You can’t be this delusional.

So far I agree with what you posted, I really think this is a case of miscommunication… AS USUAL

You’re right this is how things in in Modern WoW work… In Classic you’re never going to have a situation where THOUSANDS of players are in the same area because there are not thousands on a single server faction… Given that there is a dispersion between races and factions and players in private instance content you’re only likely to see hundreds in a single area if you’re extremely lucky in the first days of a server launch. After that there is the chance you may see upwards of 300 in IF or Org, but outside of those situations where things were just fine in 2004 and will be just fine again in 2019.

The point I am making is, Classic WoW does not make the same demand on resources as modern; its not even remotely close and because of that everything will be just fine.

Because of that you can have a ton more players in the same area and experience zero server lag. Remember this is not 2004, we’re not using a hamster wheel any more, we have real serious server hardware that’s easily capable of hosting a 15 year old game with out any disruption to the player.

If sharding was needed now in Classic WoW 2019 then the game would never have even worked at all in 2004 on the servers of that era.

There are situations where server lag is possible in Classic WoW, but its highly unlikely to be caused by the number of players in the area. Again talking about Classic WoW, not Modern…

John Staats and Mark Kern have commented on this. Read John Staat’s ‘The WoW Diary’. If you’re not going to do the research, that’s up to you. But insulting someone about a topic which you clearly know nothing about only weakens your argument. I do agree /ignore can’t come soon enough though. I’m now up to 3 people who’s posts aren’t worth reading. :wink:


I’d rather have server mergers then sharding. I’ve seen what sharding can do in WoW and it’s pretty sad really. In SWTOR when they merged servers it took a little adjustment but things actually turned out better server community wise.


Link me to anywhere where anyone said the launch of vanilla was fine. Literally anyone from blizzard

Temporary sharding in the starter zones doesn’t create additional World boss kills on a server. One Kazzak, one server.

If the servers need to be merged because Blizzard decided against using sharding at launch, you’re going to end up with twice as many World boss kills (at the time of the merger), and more resources in the economy than you would have.

Why the merge happens? Because a lot of the “boss kills” left in the first place :slight_smile: A server can never have more than 1 server of “boss kills”. The only thing is what a server means one or multiple instances.


Merging two different servers together creates a combined timeline between those servers. There will be twice as much World boss loot if you merge two servers together.

It doesn’t because as I said before a lot of items “disappear” with ppl that stopped playing and caused the merge to be needed.

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Oh, then you can use the same logic for the extra items that will be made available with sharding.