Sharding is broken, this NEEDS to be fixed

Over and over and over again I am either playing solo or in groups and so much of my time and effort gets nullified by sharding. Dragonflight has been particularly heavy on community events and I’m all for that, but they can’t keep pushing that kind of content while leaving this garbage unresolved and unaddressed. Honestly, it makes it seem like they don’t care because it just makes us spend more time making up the progress we just got booted out of. It seems to be getting worse each patch.


I have no personally experienced it, but I agree. I would be livid, and I mean LIVID, if I were close to finishing an event and it just up and resets like has been reported.

I have never done this, but Vrakthis or Ory or someone needs to tell us what is going on. I invoke the power of the Blue Post!


Happened to me yesterday on the last phase of a Grand Hunt. I was thrilled. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


I was surprised at how rarely I had sharding issues last week, given how common it had become through seasons 2/3. I was beginning to have some hope something might have been fixed.

I do agree it’s quite broken. Even when I’m in big groups I noticed sharing happening before.


I’ve been sharded while questing, fighting world bosses, farming, and lost many a flower in the emerald dream.
To say it’s annoying would be an understatement.
World boss sharded 3 times mid fight yesterday.


I feel very bad for misreading this title.

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With how absolutely horrible the problem is I’m amazed we’ve received radio silence on the issue so far. It would go a long way if Blizzard would at least acknowledge the problem and let us know they’re looking into it, but as it stands I feel as if they believe the way it’s working is intended, and I’m much less likely to do any world content that I don’t absolutely have to because of it.


It just happened to me in researchers. we were almost finished and on track for epic bag. Got split to a new shard that was lagging behind, and got a blue bag instead. This is so frustrating. Once an event has started, you shouldn’t be sent off to another shard.


Mid-event sharding is a no-no, but in general there should be more sharding. It looks so dumb when 50+ people are swarming an event.

Yeah cause 2 manning an event meant for 50 people makes sense.


When did I say it should shard down to 2 people? The target should be more like 10.

But all events should be 2-mannable so that people who play at odd hours can do them. Superbloom definitely scales down, I can’t say for the other events.

I very much want to see more than 10 people around me when I’m playing an MMO, personally.

I hate it when sharding makes the game feel empty and dead even when I’m playing on expansion launch night.

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I was with a friend yesterday doing the Suffusion camp. Fyrakk was at 5% when we arrived. Started doing the quests and suddenly the bar jumped to 100% with the boss flying in. That’s the one and only time this shard nonsense was helpful.

Maybe but why not shard the newcomers rather than the people who are already contributing to the event?

I already said “Mid-event sharding is a no-no”

You never did. But it happens to me all the time.

10 doesn’t feel good either. When interacting in the world during an event that is supposed to draw people to it, 10 people around feels empty.

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I disagree. More than 10 is too much clutter and creates a “my contribution isn’t needed, might as well afk” situation. Why does the whole world need to be drawn to a soup-making event? Too many chefs.

They do not care . Just look at all the posts not one blue post . I am letting them know with my Wallet no next xpac for me .

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That is 100% a you problem.