Sharding alternatives

Yeah, “I don’t like it” isn’t a valid reason.

I would prefer that over having sharding used. I think a queue would be the best decision. I don’t think your plan will be considered though. It’s more work than sharding and a lot more work than a queue.

You do realize “billion dollar company” means exactly jack and squat, right? Business doesn’t work the way you seem to think it does.

plus achievements, pets and pet battles, huge amounts of pets and mounts, heirlooms and moggable items for transmogger, the transmogger, the new zones, the new raids, the new bgs, the new races, the new quests, the new systems such as garrisons, etc etc. theres so much additional content in retail, its crazy.

I never said that. I stated that it opens up doors and openly accepting it will lead to complacency which will bring a chance of being accepted down the road.

But yah, I don’t like it.

Sorry but being unable to log in when I want < sharding.

This is like me saying “I don’t like loot trading because it opens the doors for transmog”.


The guy who just said that a random laptop and a router was at one time hosting 3 different server cores, a login server, and I think about 9 server database files and providing enough support for about 19k people to connect from every continent and probably upwards to 59 different unique countries.
This is in reference to the launch of Elysium.

I don’t think I would take advice from someone like you on anything technical.

Sharding or any form of cross-realm has no place in classic. It would ruin the feeling and potentially be abused and cause more issues than it could solve. 5 hours queue? I think that’s overkill, but yes i would rather deal with queues rather than warping all around planes. Sharding has no place in any MMO whatsoever and is one of many things that ruined the current state. Let’s have some faith in Blizzard, they are the ones making this happen after all.

Then take it from the guys who actually own the tech – Blizzard.

Their servers cannot handle that number of people in one zone. Not even since they moved to cloud technology.

And no that’s not a typo. I meant “even.” Not “ever.”

Those two systems are separate, it’s not the same. I’m just go to end my replies to you in this thread on that. I enjoyed the discussion.

Sharding for launch and them sharding later on are also two completely different things as well. I’m glad you picked up on that. =D

I know. I was being ironical. I found his post amusing is all.

lol[quote=“Laeric-wyrmrest-accord, post:191, topic:127574”]
Their servers cannot handle that number of people in one zone. Not even since they moved to cloud technology.

Private server have in the past hosted 200 vs 200 fights. When some streamers tried to raid the new horde horde main city in BFA with about 4 Rais groups it go so bad that blizzard has to mass teleport the Raid group out to the desert zone which lead to a server crash.

I think mogor is confused on why a unprofessional team can pay for a few hundred a month in hosting and can supply something that a gaming giant cant.

AV works, though I don’t think I’ve seen an AV that actually turned into a 40v40. Sadly these days AV is a shadow of its former self and is basically just a PvE race now for who can kill the other’s boss first. The only time we even see a decent number of the other faction is as we’re running by each other in the middle.

but yeah, they should be able to accommodate Classic WoW a lot easier than they do BfA.

Plus, part of making Classic should just be making sure that the server wont s*** itself just because 100+ people are in one area having an event.

In this case it would mean a lot if “some guy’s laptop” was able to run a WoW server better than Blizzard’s setup.

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it’s gotta be cloud servers. they just dont do well with large groups of people streaming huge data chunks. might work for the more lobby type game that retail is currently but not vanilla’s real mmo.

Again. Business doesn’t work the way you seem to think it does. Take it from someone who has to put up with corporate incompetence all the time – you could have all the money in the world and not be allowed to spend it simply because of the bottom line.

I have every reason to believe they’re still using the servers from when they switched over during Cataclysm.

It is cloud servers. They’ve said as much very recently, or at least hinted at it. And it’s being mandated to them that they need to use them for Classic, too. Otherwise I doubt it’d be that important to get Classic up and running on the modern Battlenet service.

wonder if they could just use a few lines of code to make the shards into semi permanent servers listed in the server list. server gets too full, it generates a duplicate shard with same name and numbered (stormrage1, stormrage2, etc) and then populates itself in server list, then when someone tries to make a new character on stormrage1, if its full it pops up a box that says its full but they can opt for stormrage2, which will merge with stormrage1 once the population evens out.

that will solve all problems -, it would mean no login queues, it would not require the servers to shard other than to create a new server of same name, and it would give an actual name to your location so you can invite friends and family to same server. then you dont have the case of your loved ones being sharded in front of your eyes lol

I doubt it. Might as well just make new realms entirely then.

And, speaking from experience, server merges are cancer.