Sharding 2.0

I was under the impression that you would get layered if you joined a party.

Below is a clip of me getting sharded mid combat, and mobs spawning all around me.

Any chance we can get an in depth explanation on how this system works, and ways to avoid this from happening?

Edited post to provide link.


whats your twitch name?

Look at Legion\BfA for reference. It’s exactly the same.

Nope, just like in BfA, it’s out of your control completely.

well no, as far as I know CUrrent WoW does not have layering.

IMPORTANT EDIT: So for anyone new to this thread, it has been confirmed that this is indeed a known issue on Blizzard’s part. So for anyone concerned that this is working as intended or that it has gone unnoticed, here is official confirmation.

If you put `` at the start and end of a link you can post it like this.

alternatively if you put a > at the start you can also post it like this.

Those are apparently two ways to get around not being able to post links from what I have heard.

So, after watching the video I can quite literally say that kept happening to me all during my time on the stress test, hours after the important part had concluded. I didn’t get on the stress test until around 10-11pm PST.

That happened to me all the time and it was beyond horrible. This really does need attention and really needs a statement if I am totally being honest here. Its beyond frustrating and annoying and will be the biggest detractor to Classic if this goes live.


It is called sharding and it is definitely there.
Every time there is a major event and many people log in an get to the same place, sharding is used.

Thanks for the info. I’ll edit the post.

he was talking about layering, which I am pretty sure is not in CUrrent, sharding yes.

Sharding is layering. Like literally the same thing.
Too many people in the same zone => a new shard\layer is created to offload people.

I don’t even understand where did you all get this ‘layering’ term from all of the sudden. It’s sharding, always was, always will be.

No problem man, glad to help :slight_smile:

Its a serious issue honestly and any way to make the link more easily accessible by people is great so they don’t have to jump down to post number 5 just for an easy link hehe.

Well… to be fair, the way they explained layering, it was suppose to be different. Currently, however, that is most certainly not the case. What we currently have is basically sharding.

I am hoping, really hoping, they come out and comment on this and what is going on.

That’s my point. Ion said that it will be copy of the entire world, more like a few servers with the same name so they could merge them later seamlessly.
But judging by the streams that’s a good 'ol sharding.


I fixed the link. Check the OP.

no, layering is on a much larger scale, sharding is on a smaller one. SO yes they both ‘shard’ , the difference is the scale.

What happened to him looked like sharding or phasing, either of which would be a bug.

Um from the countless interviews from Blizzard,lol.

Yeah, exactly. Its pretty bad currently and the radio silence on it really unnerves me. Like… BFA Beta Test levels of unnerving. Really hoping that the next major update to the beta and the next major stress test (not the May 29th one) fixes it.


yah I bet I doubt it was layering though, didn’t think there was enough people on Beta to trigger layers honestly, plus like they said you aren’t supposed to be ‘forced’(pretty sure they said that) into one, they did force layer changes in the stress test though.

If you watch the most recent Ion interview, layers aren’t triggered, they’re pre-allocated. As he described it. So it’s plainly and simply not in the game the way he describes these global, world sized shards.

I just hope it’s not one of those times when Blizzard promises something but later realizes it’s too costly or impossible to implement.

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Yeah. I would figure with how many people are talking about it, even the streamers, that they have stayed so quite on the subject. I feel like they really need to say something on the matter and put some concerns at ease like they did with Mob Damage.

yah im typing too fast,lol, i meant that there wasn’t enough people to need another layer.

yah thats my thought, so hopefully if that the OPs stream he reports it, if not I hope that streamer reports it.

Not as simple a solution this time most likely:O)

Its an issue they’re aware of. It’s not supposed to work that way.