Shard change in middle of fights/seeds

What’s the deal with the shard changes? Im on a low pop server and the Emerald Dream is pretty much a dead zone. Seems like half way into fighting a high health boss I get shard changed or half way into feeding/farming a seed to full I get shard changed. Is there anything I can do about this? It’s so frustrating!


I get angry sometimes when I shard myself in public. I’ve ruined more britches that way but I just can’t seem to kick my Indian food habit so I suppose this is going to continue to be an issue going forward.

Can you repost this in customer support/bug reports or something? It’s happening on high pop servers as well.

Had this happen a couple of times in the middle of a Superbloom. Went from 5k+ bloom to sub 2k with some random people who were also participating in the Superbloom - but not the whole group. Ended up with not enough bloom to even get a blue bag. I’ve had it happen when trying to complete a seed, but at least the chest will still spawn afterwards regardless of the shard change. Doesn’t seem to matter the number of players around - it can be many or none when this happens.

There should be a way for Blizz to block shard changing while engaged in a Superbloom or fight. It’s frustrating in the extreme.

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This is getting so common and frustrating.

It has done this to me so many times.

the worst one was when I was on a world boss, everyone vanished suddenly (I was still in group) and the boss turned and destroyed me.

Another time, I had farmed a rare 2 hours to get her to spawn (ashwhisper) and got her to 10% health. Suddenly she vanished and I was sharded… all that work… lost.

This is happening far too often and it is making me not want to play anymore. Why play when my progress gets reset?

I have another thread here about sharding, in hopes blizzard sees it.

I’ve had this happen to me 6 times in the past week all during World Rare’s or boss fights. its beyond frustrating and I’m missing out on loot since i keep getting forcibly switched!

Remember when RP realms weren’t gonna be sharded? Pepperidge Farm remembers