Shandralar Sorcerer mog

Anyone know if the Shandralar Sorcerer mog that npc’s in Bel’Ameth wear is available to mog? Ive found the boots and belt but don’t see the pants, chest, and shoulders in the appearance tab. Think theres a pink and a blue/gold version though.

I was going to ask you what npc you were talking about and it turns out I was standing next to one in front of the enchanting trainer. So far, it looks like the Shandralar Sorcerer is wearing a recolor of vindictive combatants silk armor, but neither faction color.

Yeah that’s the outfit the belt and shoes are from something else and they dont quite match the silver/gold color but i may just need to go back and look over it.

The legion cloth crafted Silkweave pieces are another version of the outfit–purple, burgundy and silver–I’m not sure why wowhead doesn’t have it collected as a transmog set. The belt has a buckle and dangle from Runebound Regalia (Antorus mage set) fused onto the pvp/crafted model, and the boots are also the Antorus set.

Can I be an NPC so I can do stuff like this? :slight_smile: