Shamed for DPS in M+2

Ilvl 484.
Researched “season 4” builds. Feel my rotation is okay. Used food and pot during.

I was doing 111k dps, tank doing 126K (prot pally) and other dps doing 250K ish dps (rogue & monk).

Neltharus M+2.

I’d like to not suck. Any advice?

The elephant in the room is gear, even for your ilvl yours is incredibly poor compared to others of similar ilvl at this current point in time. Poor stat distrubution, very bad trinkets, no tier set, timewalking ring (Which is worse than any ring the same ilvl because it has int instead of secondaries). That’ll all get fixed over time though.

The biggest tip I can give anyone new to shadow, especially someone trying to do lower end keys is position aggressively and don’t fall behind. Use every instant cast you have in your regular rotation to move up into melee and even in some cases past the tank as long as it’s safe to do so. You want the tank to run through you towards the next pack, so you’re always in range of things when combat starts to crash and start doing damage.

What tends to happen with newer Shadows is they hang back using their range, then the tank bolts off into the next pull and by the time they run into range the melee / burstier classes have already dealt with most of the pack.

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wow thanks, you hit the nail on the head.

Definitely lagging behind in position. I’ll work on my gear/stats asap.

Big thanks!

Also if the packs are dying superfast as shadow you will have horrible dps because we ramp and use DOTs. How did your dps compare single-target on the bosses?

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Gotta be careful with this too. Guides are under the assumption youve gained s4 tier set and the likes which can very well alter talents and put you behind on dps as they may not synergize as they would have with the tier set


big pulls + dying super fast.

I did better on bosses, but still behind.

At least I knew the mechanics :wink:

Im playing spriest this season for the first time and as we go up in key levels its a huge difference

however, the tree boss in algethar - does shadow crash just not work on the small adds? it tanked my damage on that boss (i did tank damage because i didnt want to figure it out at the moment and just full committed boss + big add)

Shadow crash caps at 8 targets, but on that boss specifically the dots dont show on the UI to reduce clutter.

thanks, makes sense
I’m still working out cd timings for that boss, the rest of AA i was happy with

You can’t readlly pad on the small adds, that fight’s always been shadow’s kyrptonite but the other dps can handle the small adds with ease. Kill big tree and boss.

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the run i just did, we had a mage sustain almost a mill but our boss/big add damage was similar so i decided to take the loss and cope lol

It’s why they should have swapped the target caps of Shadow Crash and Psychic Link a long time ago.