Shame on Icy Veins (LFG addon promotion)

Ever notice how addon prohibitionists always have to construct a false narrative to push their agenda?


I’m just baffled by it all. Private servers? How did that even become a thing?

I’m plenty grown.

Instead of making empty claims let’s see the link to this addon proving it was available pre-2006.

Can you give us screenshot of multiple players using it in Vanilla then ?

You are certain that it was here and used in Vanilla. Give us some proof

Oh sure I’ll just reach into other people’s hard drives :confused:

Welcome to the classic forums

It was talked about for the last 18 months on this very forum.

They have LFG group in retail. You might want to try that past level 80, maybe you’d prefer to stay there.

I have no problem with most addons. LFG is different.

Well i can easily give you multiple example of players using Decursive/KTM etc… You should be able to do the same, no ?

Yep. Most of it is wasted breath. All these few loudmouths needed to hear was “addon” to get them frothing at the mouth and spewing fear and doubt in an attempt to get something banned.

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So you made a claim at having proof, yet have none?

You have access to other people’s screenshots on their hard drive?

We just talked about this two days ago. L2Search.

No. Use google, videos/screenshoot from Vanilla. If it was so popular like you say it should be really easy to find :wink:

Boomers gonna get ZOOMED TM.

It’s the current year. You are not getting the classic experience. People have changed. Deal with it.

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Two whole weeks? The nerve of those people.

Depends. I think some people are concerned about community. Why does that matter? It’s an MMO. Unfortunately (and WoW is certainly not the only game to be challenged by this) all the ‘convenience’ features added later in the game for quality of life had another, possibly unintended, effect.

It breaks apart the community. It allows solo players not to have to organize with others or form guilds and groups to play. Back in the day necessity required that people work together. If you wanted to get ahead, you had to join a guild and form relationships with other players to do content. Removing that kinda also removes the entire point of Classic. Basically it would just be a museum at that point for people to just see and not much else. Seems a bit of a waste for Blizzard to go through all the trouble to just have the game be a slim down version of what they already offer on Retail.

You’re claiming to have proof about something in an attempt to win a debate. I’m not going to search for your proof to prove your point for you.

Don’t make empty claims to support your false narrative.

it was called CallToArms… if you really want I can link it to you… or you can just google it yourself. Functionally it did the same thing albeit not as clean looking. Was available in Vanilla…


lol right, that place sucks cause they couldnt do the work for me fast enough!