Shamans Rejoice!

They’re finally adding two new Ghost Wolf forms! Vulpine and Zereth Mortis Wolf!

I hope they do the same for our Feral Spirit AND add more forms!


It’s an early April Fools joke. Everyone knows Shaman don’t get nice things.


TBH, They should add all the soulshape forms to shaman.
Why not? They’re already in the game. Let people pick their spirit animal.

Actually OP, She’s got us there.


They’re just buttering us up for some kind of big bad nerf hammer. Bottom of the DPS charts again or something. I’m an enhance main, we suffer well.


I know the feeling, but I have a weird little conspiracy theory that maybe because of my Draenei Racials I’m eking out just smidge more with Heroic Presence.

And that Gift of the Naaru is saving my glorious azure butt.


wow… the basic soulshape, and the new wolf form.

such hard work they put into shamans…


Come 9.2, Enhancement Shamans are going to be severely under-rated, I already top the charts as enhance (single target), and in 9.2 we are going to be basically be unstoppable single target with the set bonuses, but people will still look down on us.


I literally made the same suggestion on the ptr forums, soul shapes are amazing, gives such great variety and choice depending on the player. It gives that added touch on making your character more special!.

I hope most, if not all soul shapes become a glyph! I need my gryphon!


Actually if you do it right, in Venthyr we’ll be able to be AoE.

Lava Lash will spread Flame Shock to 3 extra mobs up to 6. Chain Harvest will add that every time Flame Shock crits, it lowers the CD of Chain Harvest.

Could this mean we could have a Fire Nova build again?

I’d still love some more options that fit the races that can be shaman. These seem so random. I welcome them, of course, I’ll likely pick the Lupine for this toon if not too hard to get. But I’d love nothing more than a serpent dragon for example. (unable to fly)



As is tradition, they’re going to be losing approximately 30% efficacy in all content for this.

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Remember those 5 minutes in WoD that Shamans Ghost Wolf could Glyph to travel outdoors at full mount speed(like Druids)?

Myself and Pepperidge Farms both remember.

I also remember the oceans of Druid tears that got it removed just as fast.

“But mey iDeNtItY!”

Only worked outdoors for QoL, didn’t even work in dungeons. But the tears man, the TEARS fell hard!


Glad players are excited for this. I still prefer the old ghost wolf. Now, if only I actually enjoyed this version of enhance so I could get motivated to play my shammy more often…

Personally, I like my raptor form and it’s very fitting for a Zandalari, but I’m glad to see a couple new forms coming for my fellow shaman. Hopefully these are just the first of many. As many have suggested, it would be great to see some, if not all, of the soul-shape forms added as glyphs to alter ghost wolf.


It all went downhill after bus shock.

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Lupine would fit Draenei perfectly until they give us Talbuk or Elekk.

Now I just want them to apply these to our Feral Spirits too!

GREAT! more fox models cooooooool.

I mean come on how many foxes do we need? Give Shaman a Spirit flight form as well, and lets add some forms that fit a Tauren…

it existed in legion too, if you took reghar as a bodyguard

I liked the book in ashran that made it so you could enter stealth while moving at mount speed
that was pretty cool

Blizzard is being too nice to us lately. They are up to something again .

“Something is wrong and i can feel it.”

Yes, but will still be single target kings in M+ and will never be used as AOE lol

“Something’s not quite right”

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