Shamans pvp

With the new pvp changes they are inmortal, infinite mana, infinite self heals, infinite damage…

I know that blizz devs play shamans, so the nerf is Not coming any time soon… so, give them to the alliance.


you sure bout that?

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Pick one, not both. You either go sham rage for infinite mana, or earth shield for infinite heals, but you must pick.

Devs all play alliance sweaty.


Just hit them with mortal strike, their mortal bane since 2004.

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yeah, hunters do have mortal strike… go play alliance for once, and you’ll see for yourself how bad it is to be stuck with ret paladins instead of having shamans on our team.

Rets are good. Ret players on the other hand…


Without SR , enh shaman would be oom and auto attacking literally before a single player died in group pvp. Even with SR you will be oom for some portion of a 5v5 skirmish.

Lmfao trueeeeeeee. I got HoJ’d first global with my trinket down (because you know we trinketed the full kidney a minute ago)….

And I didn’t die to paladin. God bless these changes. The “I hit you my stun so you lose by default” gameplay is gone.

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Yeah that whole concept was stupid. Gets old fast hitting the gy because you get stunned on any class ever.

But they were really skilled to hit you with a button that denied you all counter play, on a short cooldown. Doesn’t that mean they should auto win? /s

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stuns were never the problem… it was damage. it was too high
problem is, blanket nerfing it for everyone and doing nothing about healing is dumb :expressionless:

It’s questionable, the additional health buff believe it or not severely undermines the fact that we don’t even enter the BG with a sufficient mana pool to full heal ourselves.

The max available Holy Light is 465 mana - our mana pool is sub-2000 with over 4500hp while entering the BG, it heals for roughly 1k…

We are in Rock, Paper, Scissors style dilemmas between fixating on mana regen, now very harshly mitigated damage output or an interrupt.

Imagine having a resource and needing to manage it wisely in order to win. Crazy huh?

Imagine saying that while playing a class where you can choose between instant heals or infinite mana, while having an interrupt that crits and scales other clearcast spells… head to to kitchen so mom can trim up that bowl cut. Just remind her to clean your breakfast out first.

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Sorry, your words are muffled in that bubble of yours. Maybe step outside of it so we can hear you better.

Pretty sure no1 talking about earth shield. They talking about riptide and melstorm. 2 instant heal


there is no point on enh having riptide… runes should be spec specific.

Riptide and Maelstrom weapon reducing mana by 100% is kinda insane in this current pvp damage aura reduction meta.

All healing needs to be brought down.

It’s really not that they should be “specific,” it’s the simplistic fact that really some runes should reside within the spellbook.

Tbh, ret paladin needs a baseline mana replenishment option that doesn’t rune lock them. I made a post in P1 with me warning that blizzard should NOT GIVE enhance spellhance or spell power scaling due to the nightmare of balance it would introduce.

Rather be that enhance is an imbued physical fighter with utility, not a full caster melee hybrid doing full damage…. Would rather have seen

  • a focus on cleave with crash lightning not chain lightning
  • damage coming from physical not spell attacks
  • utility being half effective with a focus on team enabling and debuffing enemies.

Paladins should have been heavy hitting juggernauts…
Not fast weapon exo spamming noodle boys.

But that’s the wow blizz gave us. And tbh that part does suck.

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