Shaman's new Lava Burst

The new updated spell visuals for Lava Burst are really damm nice, but as a side effect Lava Burst has lost it’s unique casting animation and is now using the generic casting animation they use for Lightning Bolt.

I’m hoping this is just an oversight and will get fixed before the patch’s official launch but seeing the state Shaman’s animation currently are in (with some spells bugged and missing their animations entirely for almost an year now) I’m having trouble believing so.

And so I ask, Blizzard, please don’t let this slide and do not remove yet another animation from Shaman, again, just to reiterate, the new spell effect is wonderful but the entire casting animation is missing now. Do not let Shaman lose another good thing.


I would also really like to see a new animation for lightning bolt.

Lava burst change is nice, but its not the win 95 clipart quality Lightning bolt is. There are probably nearly 50 better animations that we could have in the game, even other shaman spells.


where can I see the new effect?

Even Lightning Bolt from vanilla looks better than Lightning Bolt here. How is a 2004 spell visual sharper than one from 2016?


That definitely sounds like a bug but man do I hate the “class spell casting” and hope they don’t fix this. They probably will though.

Disagree, live Lava Burst looks better imo.


Where can we see the new visual?

It’s a nice start, but missing the crusty earth aspec of lava.


On the 11.0 PTR

it just needs more earth like the old one and the old casting animation then it’d be great but its kind of a downgrade unless they do that

The new one looks like I’m throwing splatoon paint at someone