Shamans in PvP

I know the game is and never has been balanced. The most I can hope for is for it to be not so horribly imbalanced that there is basically no point to trying, and when it comes to Shamans, it feels just straight up stupid, and has for a long while now, amazingly unfixed despite so many complaints.

There is a strong bias on WoW forums that I have detected ever since I first started playing, which is simple. People who play a certain class don’t tend to call it OP, and if they are on the same faction as the OP class, there is much less chance of criticizing it, but anyone who is not so tribal and looks objectively is going to say Shamans are broken beyond measure.

Regarding Battlegrounds, they made it so losers still get good marks and honor, which is nice and all, but virtually everyone you fight is a Rank 13-14 now, and it has destroyed much of the incentive for players to try to win. Instead they just camp 2 bases and semi-AFK, especially when Alliance win like 10% of games due to the class imbalance.

In AV, I grinded over 1 million honor, and counted 8 victories, because everyone is so powerful that it is all about killing the final boss, and Horde have the advantage on reaching the boss first. Not a big deal in terms of honor because, again, losers get rewarded almost as much as winners, but it has taken away from the game … the “sport” of trying to beat your opponent. Everything is all about just trying to maximize honor gain.

In terms of population, SoD would appear to be lowering substantially, PvE’ers do not seem happy at all, and it feels like a cheap PTR test server run by someone who has lost the enthusiasm they had in the beginning.

I also don’t think people should need an addon to detect how much honor they need to rank up, and it is confusing for a lot of players. There is nothing substantial about seeing a Warlord now like in Classic. I think they should change this up so that no addon is required and it is more straightforward…


Has ChatGPT been drinking?

Almost all my wins in AV as horde the allys end up with more honor at the end allys when its a rush 5min game 4ksomething for the allys and horde high 3k something… that 389 or what ever honor turn for the mark dont make up the diff.

shamans are broke thats why no one plays sod anymore lol - who cares let it die.


Hunters out there melting everything at will and this guy is calling shaman OP.


What’s next? You gonna complain that shaman have infinite mana?


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Don’t they?

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Nah, you’re thinking hunters.

Yep game is dog water. This is what happens when terribad game devs get their hands on perfect art. They cant help but butcher it

BGs are very active. What ya talking about Willis? You doomers will fail at shutting down SoD. Go play bruh. Less forums.

Ehh, my 2nd paragraph addresses your response fine enough. No clue why you bring up Hunter as a Shaman. If you lose to one then you must be AFK.

Please explain to us how this match is supposed to go? /popcorn

I was pointing out the clowns hypocrisy, bringing up that he plays a hunter is the essense of it.