You guys know well that we can have up to 2 elemental shields on our shamans, and they are always spinning around us, quite fastly. Don’t you feel uncomfortable with that?
There are 3 bad things in these shield:
1- They cause dizziness in some people (like I). This doesn’t happens when I look to other players on the screen, but only mine that is at the center.
2- They look outdated. I’m sorry, but this spinning thing must have looked cool, 10 years ago.
3- Shaman’s weapon enhancement, such as flame tongue weapon, also fastly-spin. So if you play enhacement, you will have 4 things spinning in your screen.
(I would like to add a gif here to show what I’m talking about, but the forum doesn’t allow me.)
I hope you guys agree with me, and I would like to suggest a few possible solutions.
1- Keep the shields but without the spin. Just like warlock’s “Inquisitor’s Gaze”. This can be done with a glyph as well.
2- Add to accessibility options a way to hide only own shields, for people who have dizziness problem, keeping it visible to other players.
What you guys think?
If you agree with me, please help this thread to be heard.