Shaman's chain heal doubt

Whenever the shaman uses chain heal on a primary target, the ability will heal another 3 or 2 targets, closer to the main target, which have less health, smart heal.

classic.wowhead. com/spell=10623/chain-heal

vanilla-wow.fandom. com/wiki/Chain_Heal

(I cant post any links, sorry)

Is there a possibility that this ability can be used on a player and one of the next targets is the hunter’s pet?

Pretty sure yes, but normally hunter pets don’t get very damaged.

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Pretty sure yes, but normally hunter pets don’t get very damaged.

Except that in vanilla PvP, my warlock’s imp would intentionally get targeted all the time.
He was extremely squishy and killing him meant dropping the health of the whole party by a large amount due to his party wide buff.

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i love chain heal AND chain lightning