Shamans become RAID BOSSES in p4, so

Wow Wow Wow


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enjoy the hour long ques boys, adios

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I can already see the battleground in the new phase: 10 shamans, 3 rogues, 2 hunters

Was premading AB with my guild last night (2 groups of 5 synced up). We only lost one game, and it was with 8 full-bis shamans deleting everything in sight whilst taking almost no damage. If they did take damage, they would just heal themselves back to full with no issue.

They can ground almost all CC, spam earthbind totem, cleave with flame shock, instant cast lava burst/chain lightning, interrupt on a 6 second cd, do TOP DAMAGE AND TOP HEALING at the same time. Oh, and Shamanistic rage ensures their raid will never, ever go OOM. I’m not even scratching the surface of how broken this class is.

Please nerf them into oblivion, analyze where they’re weak, and then slowly bring them back in line with everything else with calculated, well-thought out buffs. Shamans atm are pretty much the SoD version of early Wrath DKs.

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People just want to see ele shams how they are in cata and TWW (caca de perro)

And I wonder why lol….

Well, here it is Wednesday, what will the developers please us with this week? I can’t wait for Overload with an 80% chance or something like that lol

Season of Shamans to continue into phase 4 and beyond. Well done devs…

Tastes like WIN.

mele didnt feel that, its still counter all mele with -6% crit and mele always in 3 yards around shaman

The idea to bind runes to a specific spec of shaman is VERY out of place compared to the rest of SOD. There’s no bind on different warrior, warlock or any other class’s runes. Stop trying to restrict shaman.

not really, there are plenty of runes with drawbacks or specific requirements

bruh try to check some priest runes and back to discuss after.

so tank rune need to be binded for parry talent in enha three, wolfes to stormstrike