Shamans are weaker here than in era

Just saying the EM combo would literally kill people in a single server tick in era for a 1.5 second cast. An entire alliance bg meta of carrying greater NPPs because of this one class.

Hmm, someone forgot we have +30% hp effect in bgs and bloodmoon in SoD. The one shot potential is turned into more of a 2 shot potential thanks to that.

Elemental, sure. Pretty much down to the HP increases.
(And being deleted faster by other classes.)

Enhance? No. Enhance is deity here compared to era.

So a class with the same abilities with less gear is stronger? X to doubt.

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I imagine Ele is getting loaded up with dots and then they immediately start going into healing/defensive mode, yeah must be real fun to play right now lul.

“A Shadow Priest just dotted me, I guess I can cast 2 spells and then die or attempt to heal”

You mean lvl 50s are weaker than lvl 60s?

Who would have guessed it?

Ele is ok-ish in PvP but a one trick pony. If you got competent healers dispelling your flameshock or mages/locks spamming counterspell and curse of tongues it’s over pretty fast. 1v1 we’re pretty weak.
Sustained DPS is not even there, easily confirmed by taking a look at PvE parses so it’s all over within a nuke or live to play another day.
Doesn’t help that Elemental got no new runes whatsoever in the last 2 phases, or that most people still complain about the burst as if there’s no counterplay.

Ferals and rogues can also kill us in 5 seconds in this meta, classic/vanilla used to be much longer contest with a lot of skill involved.

Yeah TTK is crazy right now. I actually attack shamans a lot because they have no get out of jail moves. Unless it’s Enhancement, they have way too much offense and defense. Not only will they have high HP, but they’re parrying and dodging and resisting and healing everything, it’s annoying. If they get Spirit Wolves in PVP they’re gonna be busted badly.

Well we’re supposed to not do as much damage but have utility and healing capabilities instead. the problem is in a burst meta healing goes out of the question , at least while in combat. You’re dead the moment you switch and almost always is better to just try and take the other person with you.
Honestly the only “powerful” moments I feel as ele right now is random procs of power surge

I honestly can’t see how a 4k hp enha without way of earth can survive a moonkin/locl or any kind of burst from distance, much less a rogue that manages to open

They resist cheap shot basically. Then turn around and 2 shot. If they aren’t stunned they can just global. If something happens with cheap shot I have no CP, I can’t BtE after.

I forget that I’m supposed to have Gouge in my opener though, I’m still kinda figuring out the opener. It’s so fast paced. Opener, boom, boom, I’m dead if I haven’t killed them.

Yeah I mean there’s a “danger” sign next to any competent enha, but resisting cheap shot is still a 5% chance. so you’ll win 95% of those encounters still.

They resist it wayyyyy more than you think, trust me bud. I’m out here in the trenches farming honor daily.

Idk, I’ve heard this since vanilla. The tooltip says what it says though and people tend to remember their “unlucky” moments way more than the good ones. I mainly play horde though so I don;t have extensive experience on the other side.

I mean I don’t raid in SoD, I only farm BGs, for hours. They also dodge Cheap Shot, not just resist. That’s why I brought up their defenses. Not only that, if they hit me they can insta heal themselves.
You kinda made it all about the stun resist when it’s not. Their entire package is why I don’t attack them.

But it’s also on me for messing up my opener. I could be playing wayyy better and will in the future. I mean you don’t get a whole lot of 1v1 scenarios in BGs anyway, in WSG here and there.

I see your point, but that’s kind of the flair of the spec - going melee vs enha should always be highly punishable unless you lock them in place. Lack of stealth/mobility/dmg mitigation all lead to that.

Orc shamans resist cheap shot (and all other stuns) 25% extra before anything else. That’s probably what Shevanel is experiencing tbh.

That’s true, IDK why I was stuck at 5

Yes, that is obviously what I’m experiencing, I’m just being gaslit. It’s okay.

25% stun resist + 15% dodge chance. If they turn around, add parry to that. Cmon people.

I’m not saying its fair tbh.

Orc shamans just resist your stuns and turn around and one shot you like unstoppable juggernauts.

Tauren shamans just survive the opener thanks to extra HP from endurance and war stomp you before turning and killing you.

Even troll shamans, the weakest pvp shaman race, get extra health regen on top of Berserking to survive your opener and then turn and kill you.

Enhancement Shamans are a bad matchup for rogues and most melee classes, even without taking into account that incredibly OP lightning shield literally murdering rogues while the shamans are afk (though iirc, they nerfed that yeah?)

EDIT: And yeah, Maelstrom Weapon and Riptide make Enh Sham supremacy in the melee pvp landscape even worse. So much instant, free offhealing, it’s insane.