Shamans are Broken - Lets look at the numbers

What’s wrong with enhance being a high dps spec?

Hahahahha sooo mad you cant just bubble win haahahahahaaaa.

Ok coward.

Your tears taste like the light itself.

I love this threads.
Pure entertainment like a clown fiesta of people coping harder online and together, with their own alts and with someone else’s alts.


Shamans do not compete with paladins or any alliance DPS class because they’re not in your faction. This is a horde problem, not alliance. Why are you CONCERNED with Horde only class DPS in game???

Makes absolutely no sense.

I bet despite shamans being absolutely broken, you still suck at playing one. That’s why you lost to a paladin

Blah blah projection small weenie syndrome blah blah.

You are a child

If only shamans could get cc’d, rooted, get their totems killed…

Says the “full grown adult” whining about getting pixels he doesnt want to see on the video game he chooses freely to play.

No one cares?

checks files

This is correct.

My favorite gaslight is the “paladins were the same way in p1” one. I don’t remember anyone stacking paladins or much talk about them being crazy OP. Yeah, they were great duelists, but in group fights I always saw them do hardly anything and no one cared that they had a 5 minute bubble because it really didn’t turn the tides of anything.

lol I didn’t know pallys were out dps now 75% of all dos specs as a tank. Latest log rankings, clown. That is beyond broken- in pvp they got 1 bubble for 5 minutes. Shaman can global them 4 times and lose 1 time in 5 minutes.

I can quote your favorite gaslights here:

Following me around now, eh? Schedule that doctor appointment yet?

Not really. I was just checking the shaman posts and saw you here again with your smear campaign and just wanted to show that you’re the one gaslighting others :slight_smile:

You genuinely think that only 5 people make all these posts, I don’t think I’m gaslighting anything and I didn’t say anything about shamans in this thread. But, I see you need to check every thread for damage control.

I think legit there might be 10 people or so. Maybe 15, that would be a close number.

Still, 15 people crying is not the reason to nerf a whole class.

Backpedaling ain’t a good look, what would your therapist say?

This guy is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

Yours would probably say that shamans aren’t real…