Shamans are Broken - Lets look at the numbers

Sure and you do literally zero damage + dead zone. Let alone the fact they don’t have 2k hp on average 4000 fully geared upwards of 5k you are seriously delusional acting as a shaman cannot heal itself. Stop trying it is embarrassing.

The fact that shamans are hitting over 4x other class’s Attack Power in leveling gear while other classes are in full raid bis is absoltely broken beyond belief, my question is how the hell did this honestly make it through QA if there was any which at this point i doubt, followed by who the hell signed off on this in the first place.

This has to be some sick joke, shamans need to be nerfed into the ground on every single spec.

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yeah we really need a nerf

You have blessings and you disdain then.

Nothing tells me more about how you play your class when you don’t appreciate what you have and no one else has it. Not using those shows you’re bad and has zero responsibility in group pvp.

How’s about my gnomer gear feral getting globaled from 100 to 0 by an enhance shaman ? It was braindead and has no counter.
If it was not broken. I can’t tell what else broken means

Yeah I have a near bis feral too. Tons of stamina. Assuming my stun works on an orc shaman (which it often doesn’t) and it doesn’t have trinket up, I can deal about 40% of it’s health in damage. If it turns on me, I’m either one shot or 80% of my health is gone. It’s literally every shaman that does this. Not all of them have bis gear, right?

Your whole argument was that we were too powerful because we had those abilities. I explained in a condescending way that they aren’t as all powerful as you thought and this was your response? Lmao. Just lmao. Get good, be better. Thanks.

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side little guy.

It could be worse, you could have totems.

I’m not sure if you have ever been to Durotar, compared to Elwynn, the grass is a lot greener.

And yeah, we’ll take everything, leave you nothing.

just insanity…

How have the nerfs not already happened, the devs fundamentally just dont care about the game anymore.

The insanity continues:

Honestly why would we even play this game if Warrior isint Top DPS, it doesint make sense, even lol Paladins are out DPSing warriors,

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WOWOWOW bro. Resto shaman 100% does not need nerfs

Its weird when I click and look at the True top dmg to bosses first two is almost only wars on the First two boss Was 3 shamans in top 100 on grub think 2 shamans on Vis. On the 3rd boss Was about half shamans though with locks being the top 4 out of 5 best in world. Only 1 shaman top 100 on Ele, with like 95percent locks rest mages, On Meng few wars rest all mages and locks. On last boss like all locks but 10 shamans with first showing up at 45th. So one boss has high number of shamans rest of them are Wars or locks/mages

At least they added PLUNDERSTORM

its sad that we have to look at a “new game” because they still cant fix the existing one after two weeks when everyone knows what the problem is.

I wonder if we will see balance changes this week

Shaman nerfs when.

As was mentioned previously, the new weeks numbers are out and believe it or not they are even MORE broken then before