
Things will get fixed. Just not balanced. Many things are broken (read inauthentic) and need fixing to be 1.12 state. Shaman balance is not such a thing.

What part of “No” do people not get. Homogenization is not balance. Aka “I can’t do what such and such class can do! Fix it!”. That’s homogenization.

You are never going to be a Shaman who does the same damage as a Warlock does, has the same abilities etc. Learn to play the class effectively or move on.

I seen one person to day, in chat, ask “What level do we get flying?” I knew they were trolling but someone replied with a series comment. “What?! Blizz added flying?!” and I had to face palm. There are people who know better and there are newbies who don’t.

I see what you’re doing, OP. I get it.

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They dont need to increase their dps. They need to increase their buffs, imo. There is a reason vanilla favored alliance for raids and it was specifically due to paly buffs being better.

Because Pally is a buffer? It’s not about being better, it’s about knowing your class and being good at it. If you can’t do that, there is still retail.

I’m just wondering: Across any and all characters you have, how many times have to died in game (classic)?

I’m playing shaman as well. The first go around I went mage for all of vanilla and loved it but wanted something new this go around. While I understand your gripes people wanted classic in an unchanged state. While shamans definitely weren’t the top class in vanilla they had their perks. Asking for changes is going to get you flamed hard in the classic forums. I’d run quickly before we pull out pitch forks and start setting crap on fire.

Are you actually arguing that what pallys bring to a raid didnt effect progression in vanilla? Did you even play back then?

World firsts? That’s what your topic is really about?

You are definitely playing the wrong game. For a few reasons. Most of all being the fact that world firsts were already claimed in 2004. There is no “which faction can win first” here.

Ele is amazing in pvp bro.

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Not happening. Blizzard picked 1.12 for a reason.

Is the reason that they don’t want things to be like they were in 1.12? Seems very strange. They will fix things that are not ‘working as intended’, intended being how they behaved in 1.12. Or do you have some reason to believe they don’t want to recreate 1.12?

Maybe you’re suggesting that they picked 1.12 because it was easiest, and now they’re going ‘eh, close enough is good enough don’t bother fixing things’.

I’ve never played alliance as I’ve always been strictly horde. I will say back in vanilla there were many horde players that felt pallies were op af. The bubble hearth was quite annoying. Im sure alliance did the same. As for how good they were in vanilla, well no clue. I only remember one specific pally I absolutely hated in pvp. He was also the first to open the aq40 gates and get that magnificent mount on my server. That’s about as far as my hatred goes lol.

My hatred runs deep. Pally’s gave them an annoying advantage in raids. In PVP it was a wash. They were always ahead of us in progression and amount of guilds clearing, and it wasnt simply because of a lack of horde.

This has got to be a troll post - 1. every class sucks at low level and 2. try playing a druid and fighting a shaman and get back to me

Exactly. So what does that make you think they will do with the things they didn’t manage to get to 1.12 state before release?

A) fix them so that they behave the way they did in 1.12

B) keep them in their non-1.12 state

leveling both a paladin and a shaman, alternatively, and i find shaman much more fun. currently 2H elemental, and i mow down mobs faster than anything else…as long as i got mana.

mages are literally shamans’ livesavers

again thanks for reading…90% of you missed the entire point of my post .

  1. yes I know its classic and to be upon release…but shamans were/are broken then
  2. I’m talking about endgame dps/elemental needing help to be vital to the raid, not pvp…
  3. im just tired of being forced to be resto or fighting for raid spots

that is all…
its not about learning the class blah blah blah save it trolls. im just asking to boost the enchancement / elemental dps / and mana pool so we can be relatively useful so we can play something other than resto.

2 out of the 3 specs are not viable in end game raids comparatively to other classes.

yes we are support…I know we aren’t going to be top dps etc, but to the point if you are enchancement or elemental you wont be taken into raid unless they just need body fillers get old.

that’s all…and yes pallys have a huge difference in importance/usefulness vs. shaman…I wont deny that…but that’s a topic of another post.

I’m just saying enhancement / elemental specs were completely broken and useless in classic. You know it and I know it. Blizzard knew it and fixed them…but reverting back to Classic now forces us to play only one spec in end game content. I want to play Classic as Elemental and it’s not possible.

So here’s the thing…

They took us back 15 years roughly. It’s not like you’ve been blindsided by spec/class limitations or needs to be viable in classic.

It’s not like it’s been ignored. It was asked for ‘as is’. We got it ‘as is’ for the most part.

There are no surprises, and in the current situation the class balance fight was already fought…15 years ago.

Now they mentioned they were open to change if they take this into BC and I think it would be a really interesting spin on them taking a second ‘classic’ shot at their xpacs rather than copy/pasting the exact changes they made for each xpac. IE: Keeping weapon skill throughout all the expansions. No reduction in the experience required to level up etc…

It’s an interesting ‘what if’ scenario.

Wow. Wowowowowowowowow I cant believe a Shaman is complaining when just the other day one cast Frost Shock on me and then instantly exploded me with 1672 straight Windfury crits from their Hand of Rag. Most overpowered class in the game by far.
Blizzard, remove this man’s totems immediately and then spend the next 12 years unsure of what to do with him.