
OK ive been patient for 15+ years…when are Shamans going to get fixed?

  1. We have the smallest mana pool out of any caster class.
  2. We have the lowest dps output compared to other dps classes
  3. we are forced to play Restoration spec in end game content in order to be taken in raids

I mean at what point can we expect something done?

I’m tired of playing 1 spec out of 3 available at end game. Why are we forced to play restoration non-stop because our dps wont get boosted for enchancement or elemental?

Even if we are taken for totems we are wasting a slot in raid compared to other classes. Why wont you boost the dps output and boost our mana pool so we are competitive and balanced to be equal with the other classes? it wouldn’t be hard…please update this asap. You are ignoring 2/3 of the Shaman community by forcing us resto in order to play endgame.


This is classic, so nothing is getting “fixed”. Also you have Windfury totem, so there’s some shaman in raids. You’re not going to be top dps but you’re going to make other people top dps. That’s your contribution, your role on the team.


Sorry but #allclassesmatter

Shammy’s are nice and do cool, helpful things… but they are not more important than anyone else.

stay in retal


I think you missed the point of Classic. Classic is the game as it was around the end of Vanilla. So there’s no class balance, there’s no new stuff.


Get better at shaman bro.


All I hear is propaganda of shamans are so good who is the liar?

Wow level 19 shaman and already complaining about raid buffs. This has to be a troll post. If your wanting to be top DPS better re-roll Shaman is not that class in raiding. :pensive:

Shamans don’t need love. They’re great. They’re always a welcome addition.

What retail kids forget is back in the long long ago, MMOs had something called a “support class” whose job it was to make the tank, healer, and DPS shine. They were handy jacks of all trades who made grouping easier and more interesting. Their job wasn’t to top any meters


I stopped reading when you said lowest dps. Enhancement shamans wreck

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Nightfall axe and totem dancing your fury warriors.

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Funniest thing I’ve read all day. Enhance shamans absolutely wreck. Being an ally player during vanilla all we’d talk about is how OP shamans were in pvp. Vanilla shamans are great, BC is when shamans took a dive and never fully recovered.

Actually, it had more to do with a certain vanilla dev who had issues with hybrids because of EQ. There is a reason they buffed them, in bad ways(imo) in TBC(although if all they added was crafting gear for alt specs for leather/mail it wouldnt matter).

This is why you don’t tell your class blue that you hope he gets hit by a bus…

Things will get fixed. Just not balanced. Many things are broken (read inauthentic) and need fixing to be 1.12 state. Shaman balance is not such a thing.

What part of “No” do people not get. Homogenization is not balance. Aka “I can’t do what such and such class can do! Fix it!”. That’s homogenization.

You are never going to be a Shaman who does the same damage as a Warlock does, has the same abilities etc. Learn to play the class effectively or move on.

I seen one person to day, in chat, ask “What level do we get flying?” I knew they were trolling but someone replied with a series comment. “What?! Blizz added flying?!” and I had to face palm. There are people who know better and there are newbies who don’t.

I see what you’re doing, OP. I get it.

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They dont need to increase their dps. They need to increase their buffs, imo. There is a reason vanilla favored alliance for raids and it was specifically due to paly buffs being better.

Because Pally is a buffer? It’s not about being better, it’s about knowing your class and being good at it. If you can’t do that, there is still retail.

I’m just wondering: Across any and all characters you have, how many times have to died in game (classic)?

I’m playing shaman as well. The first go around I went mage for all of vanilla and loved it but wanted something new this go around. While I understand your gripes people wanted classic in an unchanged state. While shamans definitely weren’t the top class in vanilla they had their perks. Asking for changes is going to get you flamed hard in the classic forums. I’d run quickly before we pull out pitch forks and start setting crap on fire.