Hello! There’s a pretty game breaking bug in the enhancement shaman honor talent Shamanism. This talent allows enhancement shamans to give heroism/bloodlust to themselves and a targeted ally for 10 seconds on a 1 minute CD, and is pretty mandatory for enhance MOST of the time.
However, the Alliance version, Heroism, costs 20% of my mana pool, but the horde version, Bloodlust costs ZERO mana! That’s absurd, and quite a drastic difference, allowing horde shamans to heal or do that much more damage.
PLEASE fix this! Make Heroism free or Bloodlust cost mana!
this is actually a REALLY big deal
please fix this
It’s a HUGE deal. I’ve also posted a bug report on this and will continue to do so for visibility. The amount of times heroism leaves me with no mana to not only heal, but sometimes even use basic abilities like stormstrike or chain harvest when I need it is absurd.
Feels REALLY REALLY bad. I’ve lost matches because I didn’t have enough mana to drop a windfury totem with my heroism and just lose my burst window.
o7 soldier, thanks for the support. Keep fighting the good fight.
ya this is pretty game breaking. unfair for alliance shamans
Bumping for great justice.
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Keeping this bumped. So bad.
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Bump. Please fix this ASAP. Gamebreaking for alliance enh.
Bumping again. I’m working on a glad climb for the first time and having this disadvantage is making it that much harder. 21.5% mana is a huge deal and I can’t even press my normal rotation sometimes. I have to choose between heroism or being able to press WF totem + stormstrike.
Bumping again. I cannot transfer horde to play my favorite spec because I have a steady spot in a raiding guild with a ton of friends I don’t wish to leave
I will try to bump this as much as I can for great justice.
up up up to the top top top
need justice for alliance shaman players
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Bump. I don’t even play enhance anymore because of this.
Bumping for great justice